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worndown · 56-60, F

Thanks people that voted for Trump and those who couldn't be bothered to vote at all 🙄
@Clemency: ouch... true....
@Clemency: sad, but true. Anyone one who took the position "I don't like either candidate so I'm not going to vote !" has no room to complain now. Someone had to win, and most of us voted for Hillary, even those who had to hold their noses to do it. The non-voting liberals in the swing states screwed themselves---and the rest of the country.
Clemency · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard: Yes, we're all screwed at this point.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Lots of people on here attacking Obamacare by pointing out its flaws.

Yep it has flaws but that is NOT because Government healthcare doesn't work but because from inception the ACA was a political compromise. In fact I remember reading that something similar was once suggested by the Republicans.

Obamacare critics should Google the cost of single payer systems in Europe and Canada to find that they cost their citizens about half as much, cover everyone, involve much less hassle and deliver better health outcomes overall. Equally true of the UK system which is entirely tax funded.

Yes there are criticisms of Obamacare but it did insure 20 million Americans and it was the best deal that Obama could pass. The solution is not to go back in the opposite direction and with no plan.
@Burnley123: It's at full capacity right now. 😜
Northwest · M

For the most part, the Trump supporters, as well as those who do not vote, but love to complain, don't really understand what they're complaining about.

They all scream that the premiums have gone up. These folks fall under the following categories.

1. Prior to the ACA, they bought private insurance. Their premiums were higher than under the ACA (even if you include year #2), AND, their pre-existing conditions (all) were not covered, AND they had a cap on maximum medical expenses. I had one of these policies. Those who could not afford it, went without insurance. If they got sick, they paid higher prices for medical care, because medical treatment, for the average person, was negotiated by the insurance company, and if you did not have insurance, you paid a non-negotiated fee (and at times, this was 3-4 times higher).

2. They had a job, and their job provided health insurance. Most small businesses did not provide insurance, so people went without, or resorted to #1.

3. They had a job, and their job provided health insurance.

So, I see people in category #3 (and this includes one of the people responding here), complaining. This included what Trump claims are his employees. The problem is, if you're in category #3, you're not on the ACA. So, these people are either lying, or simply repeating what they heard about the ACA, and they heard it from fake news site.

For people in category #2, to get a private policy, it would cost than what's offered under the ACA. The same applies to category #1.

So, the real complaint, for those who understand it, is that previously, they had the choice of NOT buying insurance, because they could not afford it. Again, the problem with this scenario, is that if you cannot afford food, then you probably qualify for government subsidies. This varies from state to state, obviously, but the assumption that you're not going to get sick, or need medical attention, is not realistic.

The real solution, is a single payer system, with controlled medical procedures costs.

We should be ashamed of ourselves. The country that calls itself the greatest, even if you believe you need to wait until Jan 20th, to reclaim that title, does not have a healthcare system, that takes out the middle man, that's making money off being the middle man.

The right wing loves to complain about Obama relaxing restrictions against Cuba. Do they know that Cuba, over the past few decades, has turned itself into one of the world's premiere medical drugs, research and manufacturing centers (despite our sanctions)? We're now trying to desperately negotiate a series of Cancer vaccines licenses with Cuba. Cuba developed them, and we want them. I hope Rubio, Cruz and Trump, do not do anything to block this.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Northwest: I thank you for posting this and I agree. I do have a decent understanding of US politics though, so its largely stuff I already know. You are a good guy though.
My uncle was denied insurance prior to Obamacare. If they repeal it, a lot of people are going to die.
This is the REAL death panel.
Clemency · 36-40, F
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: Ha! Death panels!! And people fell for it!
@Clemency: Sarah Palin was spewing about death panels for 18 months straight and spreading lies that people like her son with Down Syndrome would be deemed unworthy of care. That's a blatant lie and she knew it. How do these people live with themselves?
The US system of is morally reprehensible its exhorbitant beyond belief. What is most alarming is these geniuses are repealing Obamacare without a replacement package, no wonder I left in 07...the whole health system is a travesty of humanity - I do feel for the 20M on Obamacare, but more so for those who have no care at all.
I never said Obama per se I think I said and I quote "...neother side can be trusted. Lying seem to be acceptable..." Not specifically directed at him. In general which is easily supportable if you want me to provide an historical account, fact is politicans make false promises, don't deliver, and thats a fact on at least 3 continents I have lived on all western in ideology, the eastern one I could not pass comment on. You can ask whatever you like.:)
@GlobalNomad: We're talking about Obamacare. That's why I specifically targeted Obama. What lies did he tell? Meh, it doesn't matter. I know what you're saying. I'm just as disillusioned with politicians as the next person.
I think that was his legacy and it's a disgrace that it is so easy to repeal there in lies the falt with the US system. Its the great people I know and knew and the average yank I feel for...they are not represented and there is a dark cloud the optimism under Reagan was great...then perhaps everyone was on coke..not the afterall it was still the dawn of aids, and drugs were abundant thanks to the was great and we partied, worked hard..lived hard and knew we had a job tomorrow, healthcare was its farcical...I just got a quote as I was thinking about a job...$750 a month...are you joking thats net of do people afford that...that is rent...
eh, I didn't qualify for Obamacare anyhow. lol too rich for Obamacare, too poor for anything else.
The federal government offered money to states, to give people like you insurance. They gave your state free money to take care of you. But many Conservative states denied the money because it was labeled, "Obamacare". Rip my man.
@Headlines: I'm not a man. O.o
@MorbidCynic: aw shit. ur pfp threw me off. whats up morbid lmao
Obamacare did nothing but make me have to pay out my ass for my insurance.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad to see it go.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
@Northwest: are you dense? They had to choose between paying for ins and paying their mortgage and buying groceries.
Northwest · M
are you dense?

Not in particular. Not something any of my acquaintances would use to describe me. My question still stands, if you don't understand it, I will simplify it for you. I asked if they had pre-ACA insurance, but it looks like you don't understand how to answer a simple question.
@zerofuks2give: 🤔 So with subsidies gone, risk pool back to where it was, you get sick, good luck Charlie! Your chance of getting insurance is zero. Risk pools. That's all it is. And greed.
Northwest · M
I think that the President's biggest mistake, was to not pass a single payer system, during his first 2 years in office. Obamacare solves some problems, but I will be out $13,100, before insurance (or prescriptions) kicks in a single penny.

Now that they want to reinstate caps and pre-existing conditions, it's going to be worse.

For those who talked about it: making everyone get insurance, is the only way to make this work, as long as it is not a single payer system.
The health system was weighed down by uninsured people. Everyone should have insurance. Because of that change in the risk pool, everyone can be covered, pre-existing conditions can be covered, kids to 26 can be covered, and help keep premiums down due to risk of transition time.
Northwest · M
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: The medical industry is way out of control. While you may have the outliers, Canadians seem to be healthier than we are, but our conservative politicians, seem to love pointing to the Canadian system, as the thing to avoid.

I believe 100% in what Bernie insisted on, and Hillary committed to doing: take the profit out of healthcare and education. That means, a single payer system. In addition to controlling what doctors/hospitals charge, as they do in Canada.
Omg.. this is bad, I'm happy to be in Canada
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
As a leftist, im glad. Premiums were ridiculously high and the doctors they supplied were tens of miles away.

Obamacare had good points, but all in all, it was a shitty bill forcing people to buy privste insurance. Ironically, much of the medical companies which donated large sums to Obama's campaigns. Perhaps now we'll have a better shot at single payer when dems get back into office in 4 years.

We can do better.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@RootinTootinHighFalutin: hmm. Interesting argument. I haven't heard that. But, I still prefer public healthcare over forced-private healthcare.
@ColdPenguin: Obamacare has never been complicated. Ever. It was always about risk adjustment and health care costs. However, medical economics is complicated and doesn't fit on a bumper sticker. GOP politicians have been lying for years about Obamacare.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
As a leftist, im glad

I wouldn't be. Something bad getting worse is not a good thing.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
Yep, thanks GOP for fucking my kids that have medical issues that could cause problems later in life.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
Thank god!
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Thank god people could literally die? ...come on now
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Just become a politician and you get the worlds best healthcare for free!!

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