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So, is anyone ready for the next president of the United States of 'murica?

Been ready for 8 years. :)
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@DixieChick: Sucked it up? You whined a lot, and you are right now too. You said you've been ready for him to leave for 8 years, implying you never gave him a chance. Now people are saying to give Trump a chance, but seeing as how many weren't willing to extend that to the last president, I don't think they should expect as much. And no, I don't just fight with you, you just ignore me when I don't. Not that I usually care, but it is entertaining how defensive you get when confronted about your own antics.
@Xuan12: Look Buddy...I think you need to go get a life...and leave me alone. I do NOT have to agree with you nor will I ever agree with you no matter how many cheap shots you take at me nor how much you sling mud. You can kiss where the sun doesn't shine. I am rather sick of your coming to something I have posted to pick a fight. I have been more than tolerant with you. Now I am going to block you. How is this for my confronting your antics???? Kiss it buddy! Adios!!!!
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@DixieChick: I don’t expect you to agree with me, that would require to you evaluate ideas critically, which I’ve never personally witnessed you do. I do expect you to whine like you always do. I’ve told you this like, 5 times and you still don’t get it. And your “tolerance” is, to be blunt, an effing joke. You’re quite thin skinned and combative, which is why this is so easy. You love hazing other people, but get so hurt the moment someone dares stand up to you. You’re an enormous child. But again, it’s quite entertaining. Blocking me is cute, it doesn’t work on this site. See you around.
Snickerdooodle · 31-35, F
Can't come soon enough
Invisible · 26-30, M
I'm ready to start getting people talking about ending the fed again. Is anybody with me?
ichaivalrelic · 26-30, F
Sure, if it still exists and did not become part of Canada
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
I never heard of that country. Where is murica?
Ready or not here he comes
No other choice but to be ready
jillluvsgirls · 26-30, F
its gonna suck huge! :(
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
JohnOinger · 41-45, M

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