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They Con't Care About The Not Wealthy People




Now that shows just how Trump and his administration look at people. You give us complete access or we will take steps that would result in shutting down SSI
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Elisbch · M
Can your supply the actual link URL for the video please? It's not showing up in your post.
Charity · 56-60

Deleting the YouTube it will not show up.
Here is a link, where the chief director says he will not shut social security down.
Elisbch · M

Thank you for this link!
Although they said they won't, you don't know who to believe anymore. You certainly can't trust Trump and Musk.
That's okay with the poor. They vote against socialism every November!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Charity There are two differences: the Republicans earned their money outside politics, and the demonocrats earned their money by being in politics
Charity · 56-60
@sunsporter1649 that is a weird way of thinking. Republicans earn their money outside of politics. That is like saying all Democrats are politicians

And the first two listed are Republicans, and they don't have Trump and Elon musk as the first two. So if you add them it's the first four.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Charity LOL, kindly old dictator biden was a giant in the business world, before entering politics, eh? Upchuck schumer was a giant in the business world before entering politics, eh? Dim-witted aoc was a giant in the business world before entering politics, eh? bernie the red business's created hundreds of jobs before he entered politics, eh? Drunken kamala harris held many private sector jobs before entering politics, eh?

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