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Donald Trump orders military to draw up plans to seize Panama Canal

Donald Trump orders military to draw up plans to seize Panama Canal
US officials said military action in Panama would only be considered if the country does not allow Donald Trump to "reclaim" the canal.

By Rebecca Robinson/Express
18:50, Thu, Mar 13, 2025 | UPDATED: 18:51, Thu, Mar 13, 2025

Donald Trump has reportedly ordered the US military to come up with plans to increase the number of troops in Panama as part of his mission to "reclaim" the canal. US Southern Command, responsible for security cooperation and operations in Central America, has drafted ideas such as working with the Panamaian military and US troops taking the canal by force, two officials told NBC News. The likelihood of military force depends on the level of partnership agreed upon by the Panamanian military, they added.

This is part of Washington's plan to reduce the level of influence China has over the region, particularly when it comes to access to the canal, though both China and Panama have denied any foreign interference in the waterway. The US president said last week that "to further enhance our national security, my administration will be reclaiming the Panama Canal, and we've already started doing it".

Putin: Ukraine.
Netanyahu: Gaza, West Bank.
Trump: Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Let us all hope "reportedly" means Mr. Trump has not actually issued any such order, despite having publicly ruminated on the idea.

No country can "re-claim" the Panama Canal.

Although built under an American military engineer's direction after Fernand de Lesseps (of France) failed, the Canal is Panamanian-operated property on Panamanian sovereign territory.

No mention of discussions with the Government of Panama, then, nor with the canal operators? Only between the Armed Services as part of threatening Panama?

It is one thing offering troops to another country to help protect it as an ally, but this seems totally different. If as reported this plan is being formed over the heads of the Panama government, that alone is a major breach of international etiquette at the very least. Would such an order need Congressional approval, and if so has that been obtained?

It reads like a threat to capture the Canal by force or simply physical presence without any shots fired; despite no concrete reason to do so.

Any use of force by the US military could be tantamount to an attack on the country, even seen as an invasion. At least, a serious breach of international laws and treaties designed to prevent such attacks. If that happens it would place the Panamanian military in the awful position of having to decide whether to rfeuse to co-operate or even turn against the US, or to side with the USA's government against their own - a military coup by foreign control.

If US interference at this level stops the Canal from operating, even without physical damage, that would harm trade around the world. It is a very long way round Cape Horn, and on some of the most hazardous seas on the planet.

At least Asian, African and European traders do have two alternatives to crossing the Pacific. One is sending ships on the very long voyage across the Indian Ocean, but the war in Yemen is forcing many to detour round the Cape of Good Hope rather than using M. de Lessep's big success, the Suez Canal. The other, and with physical "short-cut" links to China, is the Trans-Siberian Railway....

It would also very likely play straight into Beijing's hands because their businesses (hence government) run harbours near the Canal.. They would naturally be very worried about this and could well offer to help "protect" the Canal from the USA . So defeating the entire, imagined, object of this hare-brained "order".
Bibipat · F
I will get the popcorn.
swirlie · F
It's nothing more than BS distraction for other screwups that Trump doesn't want you to look at. Trump's numbers in the polls are nose-diving at the same rate as the US stock market is plummeting, the US government is about to shut down if it doesn't raise the US debt ceiling AGAIN and the Trump Administration and it's pitiful tactics are failing all over the world.

Trump merely sent a bunch of ships to Panama to create a major distraction from the obvious of what's going on back home. When watching a magician, always watch the hand that he's trying to distract your eye away from.

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