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Action Required

The complacently of so many you would have thought at least attempt ignite a national movement in the context of what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence is too alarming not to ignore any longer. The longer Trump keeps plunging this nation into a full-blown depression and just maybe a world war the chances of salvaging this nation we had following World War II will be the epitaph of a nation who rose to greatness only to succumb to corruption within.

We have had great leaders both militarily and statesmen who have steered this nation through troubled waters. The resolve and integrity of George Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR left lasting legacies. Now in the spirit of Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt what Senator Sanders is doing today all across the country today is galvanizing grass roots support to turn the tide of the tyrannical rule of the Trump regime.

It is quite obvious that for some time too many public servants have comprised their oath of office and turned their allegiance to Trump. When we put in context what the Supreme Court has ruled just within the past 35 years has had devastating consequence all across the political spectrum. We have to remember the Supreme Court in their haste to issue rulings the Constitution requires no interpretation and yet they continue to so to the political whims of the day. As a consequence, the government of the US has ceased being that beacon of hope and opportunity for all.

We now have a bunch of self-serving bureaucrats allegiance not to the Constitution but to Trump. Now that the Trump regime has violated the Constitution and the rule of law the seriousness of these offences has up rooted economic, financial and international reactions that are proving to bring undue hardship on millions not only here in the US but for millions all around the world.

Every public servant, congressman, the President and all government officials swear an oath to the Constitution to defend it against foreign and domestic attack. The Republican party, the President and Vice President have already violated their oath. And if we fail to recognize this now the words of Ben Franklin will ring true. "A republic if you can keep it" We will not be able to keep it if we allow this administration and Musk to continue violating the Constitution and the rule of law as they are doing now.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor when they signed the Declaration of Independence. Of those 50 signers too many lost their lives and fortunes during our struggle for independence. Their sacred honor created our nation. Today there is no sacred honor in too many members of congress and in the White House. It is quite evident by their actions.

Their actions to date have already unleashed great economic and financial distress across the globe. Here in the US the antics of Trump and the unconstitutional DOGE has already created an economic catastrophe just waiting for one more spark before sending the US into what could very well turn out to be another Great Depression.

To put this into perspective when DOGE is slicing the federal government work force to over 120,000 federal employees now without paychecks and the shrinking no. of new jobs created, we find a very negative growth in economic activity. Now what the misguided efforts imposing extreme tariffs on our closet neighbors Canada and Mexico our fearless leader in Washington has no clue of what the actual ramifications of what he and Musk are doing. Putting all this together when there are great job losses, stagnant wages, federal budget cuts that are the safety nets for millions of Americans and the imposing of needless tariffs the nation is actually headed for disaster.

Lessons history is supposed to teach us has been forsaken for the greed, the thirst for more power and control by a runaway government and their cronies. The Snoot-Hawley Act of 1930 should have been a real wake up for all but sadly too many are in complete denial. The failure to learn the lessons history is supposed to teach us is ignored by what Trump and co are doing today. A very sad commentary. It is our inherent right to restore our government to the people, for the people and by the people.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Didn’t Obama excess like over 100k fed workers ? He did.
Didn’t Bill Clinton put his wife in charge of health care ? He did.
You sound like a guy who watches 2 kids do something bad but only punishes one of them. Be consistent dude !
@AthrillatheHunt No.

We had the strongest economy in the world, with inflation back under control, 50-yr low in unemployment, real wage growth, etc. It took work by the Biden Admin & the Fed to get things back in order, and Congress, too.

DJT's plan...we were already told by lots of economists that it would tank the economy.

And here we are.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@SomeMichGuy yea it’s all his fault .
@AthrillatheHunt No, ppl who would hand power to a guy who promised to destroy our country are to blame, partly due to the lies everywhere and the lack of understanding.

Inflation isn't the price level, it's the change in prices.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
'Splain to us how reducing the size of the federal gubberment is leading to more power and control by the federal gubberment
Smoot-Hawley and yes
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
OMG just so silly 🤣
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