lpthehermit you do know that, the Ukrainian people never wanted a war, and that the war is a proxy war between America and Russia, or, the west and Russia, Russia didn’t want the war either, zelenskyy was voted in, because he ran on a, I will bring peace ticket, BUT, the west, including America wanted the war, thinking Russia would fall, and the West would take all the spoils, ie, Gas, oil, rare earth minerals, the gold, then America could rule the world, but Russia ruined their plans, Russia was too strong, now Europe is panicking, because they’ve spent alll the money on weapons and money to Ukraine, but they haven’t got their hands on the spoils, oh dear you might say, we’ve fucked up, now Europe want to put troops on the ground in Ukraine, then what happens, Russia kills them, hey presto the trick has worked, now America have to join in, then we have world war 3, the military industrial complex, will be very happy, there’s money in war you know, don’t worry about all the dead, you’ve just got to keep the people of the west, hating Russians, so nlthe narratives need to keep coming, Putin is ill, Putin has cancer, Russia are running out of bullets, once Russia have won in Ukraine, then the rest of Europe are next, so on and so on, and unfortunately the sheeple fall for it every time, remember the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they never did find them did they, funny that,