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Economists sounding alarm about possible recession

Should Trump continue with his policies and we know that Trump isn't going to stop so we're done as a country. Turns out owning the libs has consequences 🙄

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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Trump is not a good businessman and he certainly is not an economist. All of the finely tuned interacting variables and international effects need someone who gets it. He can only do one variable at a time and assumes a one solution fits all. It doesnt take a genious to figure out that by playing chicken with all of our trading partners, killing the labor force, and eliminating safery nets will have disastrous consequences. He is like sand in a disk drive.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Is this the part where I say "I told you so"?😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe Thats a wonderdream. Sadly he will take all Americans and a lot of unfortunate people overseas with him..😷
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
it's propaganda because it's fear baiting journalism that is full of theoretical situations and some figure head giving scenarios. At any point during biden's time in office you never complained or felt that the economy wss in trouble ask yourself why.

You’re calling this propaganda, but you haven’t actually addressed the economic argument. The economist in the article explained how deficit financed tax cuts could overheat the economy, forcing the Fed to raise interest rates, which could slow growth. Do you disagree?

Media bias exists, but that doesn’t mean every claim is false. Instead of dismissing it as fear baiting, why not focus on whether the economic reasoning holds up?

If you think tax cuts wouldn’t increase inflation or lead to higher interest rates, explain why. Just saying the media picks and chooses isn’t an argument against the economics being discussed.

As for Ukraine...

That’s a completely different topic. We’re discussing economic policy, not foreign affairs. If you want to debate NATO, that’s another conversation, but it has nothing to do with whether deficit financed tax cuts could lead to inflation and higher interest rates.

The definition of a recession has been debated, but that doesn’t change whether tax cuts and spending cuts could impact inflation. If you think the economist is wrong, you need to explain why their prediction about inflation and interest rates is incorrect.

If you actually want to have a serious discussion, engage with the economic points. Dismissing it as ‘fear baiting’ and bringing up NATO isn’t a real counterargument.

Let’s talk facts, do you think cutting taxes by $4.5 trillion while also cutting spending by $2 trillion would have no economic consequences? Why or why not?"
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Oh really ... so it's Trumps fault is it, he's stopping the waste and clawing back BILLIONS, but it's his fault ...

I believe Sleepy, in his last months, couldn't offload American money fast enough, $50 Billion is the figure i heard he was trying to give to the World
Toofargone · 26-30, F
@Adeptlinguist of you did you would have had a better rebuttal
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@BigGuy2 Yes this is related to trump's policies so yes his fault.

Shierholz, a former Labor Department chief economist, focused, more importantly, on the future, and the Republicans’ planned $4.5 trillion tax cut for corporations and the rich, coupled with its $1.5 trillion-$2 trillion in cuts in domestic spending and its wholesale firing of federal workers. She didn’t like what she saw.

Shierholz saw the Federal Reserve Board would face rising inflation due to the pump-priming of the GOP plans at a time of full employment. It would have to slam on the brakes by raising interest rates—increasing the cost of borrowing for both the federal government and for consumers on their credit cards, home loans, and car loans. That would dampen the growth the consumer-based economy needs.

“Large deficit-financed tax cuts would likely push aggregate demand above the economy’s capacity to produce, which would either manifest as higher inflation or—if the Federal Reserve intervenes quickly and forcefully to forestall upward pressure on inflation—higher interest rates,” Shierholz explained.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Adeptlinguist these are the same people who thought affordable Healthcare wasn't obamacare because conservatives didn't understand that obamacare was a name fox news and others came up with for the ACA lol 😆
There's a recession every time there's a Republican president.
Toofargone · 26-30, F
@BohemianBabe if you don't remember the definition of recession being changed i don't have amy business wasting my time on you
@Toofargone Was this fake news that you saw in a meme?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@BohemianBabe You know it was a meme, that's their education level lol
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Prison1203 in 2016 did several health agencies and federal services get scrapped? No.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@SatanBurger they should have , like NIH, CDC and Fauci should be in prison for the serial murders of millions of people across the globe, along with the makers or the mRNA vaccines
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Prison1203 and to think the measles epidemic started because of the unvaccinated lol
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
So long as it does not affect his oen interests, he will not care.
It'll be Biden's fault - as usual.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@jshm2 They think they are lol
Isnt Trump a serial bankrupt?
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@autumngirl27 Six businesses owned by him have filed for bankruptcy, costing their creditors something in the region of $4.5bn.

He is not fit to run an ice cream kiosk, let alone a major economy.

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