Well that's absurd on another ground entirely. using "Good people" to describe them is, inaccurate.
Hot take it is literally impossible to be a Good person AND protest the removal of statues of Confederate generals, you are necessarily a bad person if you take offense to the removal of such statues. Good people by DEFITION don't like the racist symbol that is those statues and want them removed, so if you don't stand with the movement ot have them removed, you're a scumbag automatically.
Yeah, fuck you Prager U. Good people, BY DEFINITION, want racist iconography removed.
I hope this post makes Your blood boil Dennis, but I will stand by this. I will happily die on the hill of this take dig my heels in and stand by it all the way to my grave.
Yeah, fuck you Prager U. Good people, BY DEFINITION, want racist iconography removed.
I hope this post makes Your blood boil Dennis, but I will stand by this. I will happily die on the hill of this take dig my heels in and stand by it all the way to my grave.