During his last term there wer ZERO shooting wars throughout the world, and PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST (for the first time in history.)
DUUUDE!!! You live in a FANTASY WORLD!!!
The Somali civil war was a shooting war. https://www.npr.org/2017/04/07/522908416/sisters-find-home-in-utah-after-somali-civil-war-made-them-refugees https://www.brookings.edu/articles/developments-in-somalia/ https://theglobalobservatory.org/2019/11/state-level-military-forces-potentially-turn-tide-war-al-shabaab/
The war in Donbas was a shooting war. https://ggis.illinois.edu/news/2018-04-09t152503/war-ukraine-more-devastating-you-know
The Iraqi–Kurdish conflict was a shooting war. https://www.vox.com/world/2017/10/16/16481952/iraq-krg-kirkuk-seize
The Yemen civil war was a shooting war. https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/a-timeline-of-the-yemen-crisis-from-the-1990s-to-the-present/
And there were plenty more shooting wars and conficts, mostly in Africa and the middle east. I'll just give you one more; the one where Tяump pulled out US troops that were protecting our Kurdish allies from Turkey. But Tяump was worried about his personal investment in Tяump Towers Istanbul, so he pulled the US troops and sacrificed our allies.
The Syrian civil war was a shooting war.
Chaos in Northern Syria
The civil war entered a new stage in October 2019 after U.S. President Donald J. Trump removed the roughly one thousand U.S. troops supporting Kurdish fighters on the Syria-Turkey border. The surprise move cleared the way for Turkey’s Erdogan to launch a military operation there. Aiming to push Kurdish forces back to establish a twenty-mile-deep buffer zone for returned refugees, Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies seized towns and villages, causing hundreds of thousands of people to flee. The SDF turned to the Syrian government for help, allowing regime soldiers to reenter areas that had been held by the Kurds for years. Russian troops also entered the region to support the Syrian government.