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Joe Biden’s Legacy

He will be nothing more than a Trivial Pursuit question 20 years from now, “Which President served between Trumps two terms?”

Worst President this country has ever had, undoubtedly.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Speaker Johnson would also agree especially having recognized someone else was pulling Bidens strings after meeting with him over a year ago.
graphite · 61-69, M
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Anything goes is a good name for you.

You need to understand that your sources for information all, to a person, said Joe bidumb was “sharp as a tack”! For years.

You need to understand, too, that the felonies you tout with such pride, were obtained by the descendants of the KKK and those they have recruited. Constitutional scholars, of which you don’t seem to have listened to, say that the felony convictions are unconstitutional and will be thrown out. I have listened to several for their hours long interviews. You may be smarter than these scholars, but the case you have made has not persuaded me you are right.

If you look up the “university scams” you will find out that according to the many sources on the site, all of the colleges in the north east part of the country are being sued for the same thing.

You should understand that this shit about Trump owning SCOTUS is a stupid conspiracy theory you tout while you call other people stupid.

You also need to understand that the long sex toy you think I need comment puts you in the category of a vulgar stupid man that needs to think before he talks. If you had made any progress on me, you lost it there.

If you had been paying attention you would know that bidumb has been evaluated to stand trial and found to be incompetent to aid in his own defense. Let me repeat that, the president of the United States, a few months ago was too incompetent to aid in his own defense. Sharp as a tack.
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Jake966 · 56-60, M
The president who didn’t even respect our service members
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@Northwest Give it a rest. I’ll be here on Monday.
Northwest · M
Give it a rest. I’ll be here on Monday.

And it still has nothing to do with what I said, but MAGAs be MAGAs.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@redredred The same was said for Roosevelt atthe end.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
He can do Adult Depends commercial for Medicare
Northwest · M
He may not have been the best President, but he will go down as the President who served in between the two terms of the most corrupt President the US has ever had.
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@Bill1372 When every kid in every school for the next 100 years reads the actual truth about the felon....not the cult version of jesus in make up you worship. ...wont matter mych who wrote the truth in those books...will it?
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@anythingoes477 He won't be a felon as soon as his case gets to the appeals court!
@anythingoes477 All establishment...[media=https://youtu.be/ugUfjeTwDQ8]
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When he walked out of the White House for the last time, dragging behind him, shame, failure and disregard for the American people, unless you were “a protected class”
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@anythingoes477 @anythingoes477

You need to understand that the reason Biden has not been charged for his many crimes is because he is a member of the protected class.

His worse crime? Being on the payroll of the CCP. Tell me which is worse, fake convictions or getting nuked by the CCP and watching your children’s eyeballs melt and run down their faces.
@MarthannBann888 You need to understand that the felon is the one that is has over 50 felony convictions. 34 in NY State and the rest in Florida...both state and federal felonies for his university scam..........

And you need to understand trump owns the SCOTUS and used them to give him immunity from the felonies he committed already and will commit. And in the process of getting immunity from his own felonies.................ANYTHING Biden did or ever will do is covered by that SCOTUS decision to benefit the felon. So if you get off on hoping Biden can be convicted...........better buy a nice long thick sex toy for that..........because in court that issue is dead. trump or the cult can NEVER try Biden for ANYTHING now.

And they never could have....................because in 4 years they never found one thing to even charge him with.............other than stupid people's conspiracy theories.
@Bill1372 So far "what you hired him for" is backing out of 6 campaign promises........so far. gas was $2.49 on Jan. 19. today......same station here it's $2.99. Eggs up to $9 a dozen. Already admitted tariffs will raise inflation. Already admitted he cannot contriol grocery prices. Hmmmm? I thought Biden could raise prices on EVERYTHING...........but trump can't lower any of them????? Wow. Why can't Superman do that???? He lied about bringing the debt down....already. In fact 3 weeks ago he told Congress to RAISE IT or shut the government down..........so he could give millionaires and billions more tax breaks.

So far his lies are unfolding faster than his guilty convictions were handed down...............but sure......he's a GREAT guy whose dying to "help you". ;-) ;-) ;-)

If he shit in your face...........you'd say it didn't stink. Wait for a while. Surely you're not so stupid you think the only ones he'll screw in 4 years is just Dems? Or maybe you are.
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Bill1372 · 51-55, M
What a surprise… More pardons. Why Fauci if he did nothing wrong? Why the entire Biden crime family?
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@Bill1372 Sickingly they do not even have to even be charged, just the mere possibility of one is enough 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

GerOttman · 61-69, M
Almost makes Clinton look like a saving angel..
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
I hope after Monday people will stop talking about him
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Lmao really?
You think he's worse than Hoover, Nixon or Taft?
MartinII · 70-79, M
@basilfawlty89 Nixon was, in some respects, quite good, but I agree Hoover and Taft are candidates, together with several others!
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MartinII · 70-79, M
A poor President, but surely there is plenty of competition for the title "worst".
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Genocide and war in Europe are boring for Americans. They're not getting their shorts in a wad over war in Europe or no towel heards!
Biden was boring.
candycane · 36-40, F
And for an extra bonus who was his drunk running mate

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