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Guess what California just paid $50 million for?

Photo above - "Bring it on, Donald". California Governor Gavin Newsom announces $50 million in emergency funding to prevent the deportation of migrants with criminal warrants. Unrelated news: Newsom is running for president in 2028.

If I were Paris Hilton, I would be soooo pissed. Not only did the city let my $10 million mansion go up in flames, but now the governor is spending $50 million to hire lawyers for migrants facing deportation. Um . .. $50 million is 3 TIMES the amount Los Angeles cut from their fire department budget.

Not to belabor the point, but the Santa Ynez reservoir that could have saved the city is also still empty. And it will probably stay so for the foreseeable future.

But migrant legal aid . . . how quickly can politicians make THAT happen?

In case you think Newsom's heart in is the right place, let’s stop and consider who is actually going to get the $50 million. It is certainly NOT going to feed the families of felons facing deportation. That money will be doled out to their lawyers, for billable hours.

If you’re a cynic like me, you can immediately imagine a line of well-connected lawyers queueing up to collect these hourly reimbursements. Lawyers who – might possibly – also be past contributors to someone's election campaign. Or simply friends and neighbors of elected officials. You can never have too many friends, eh?

I have no idea who’s might get arrested first. Neither does Governor Newsom, who is championing this slush fund (actual description, see the link below). I’ve written previously that the US government would have its hands full simply arresting and deporting illegals with active warrants. Hombres who didn't show up for their previously scheduled hearings. This writer has no desire to see money wasted on arresting someone simply for working without a visa. Let’s concentrate on the drug dealers, human traffickers, pimps, stick up artists, carjackers, and accused murderers. That should be a long enough list to keep authorities busy.

Let’s NOT use California taxpayer money to fund the pretrial motions and petitions by lawyers for these felons, while 12,000 homes are still smoking.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

California Dems Propose ‘Slush Fund’ To ‘Trump-Proof’ Illegal Migrants From Deportation Amid Deadly Wildfires
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
since california has so much money laying around to waste, they shouldn't have anything to complain about when Trump cuts all their federal funding...

If it takes either going broke or the entire state going up in flames for voters to make better decisions... so be it...🤷🏻
jehova · 31-35, M
@wildbill83 should the us be giving that "tax payer money" to israel instead? Thats what we do now. Maybe help our neighbors instead of an international crime syndicate attaking civilians in Gaza?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@jehova I'm fine with that (within reason), Israel is our ally, one of our best; and is a strong trading partner with good products. Ukraine isn't, and see's us as nothing other than a welfare office...

We most definitely shouldn't be giving "aid" to these countries that openly condemn us
jehova · 31-35, M
@wildbill83 agree it is a balance. That "balance" has been u.s. sending money and resources to Israel for many many years. Given isreal is commiting humans rights violation against Gaza and Palestinians, regularly, id conclude financially broke u.s. needs to stop helping israel as it attacks a portion of its own residents and neighbors (using religious\historic justification?).
pdockal · 56-60, M
Cut off ALL federal funding to California to start
Sieze the "slush fund" as being illegal & use it towards rebuilding the water supply
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@pdockal i don't think we should treat california differently than any other state. but ALL states should have some limitations on how they use money from DC. My ideas for limitations would include:

1 - cannot use the money to pay salaries and pensions of politicians
2 - cannot use the money for legal challenges to federal law, or to sue another state
3 - cannot use the money to fund "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens, with or without felony warrants
4 - cannot use the money for overseas junkets by politicians. the Los Angeles mayor was in Ghana (!!) the day the fire broke out.
5 - cannot use the money for free tuition/scholarships for foreign students at state run colleges. government scholarships should be for actual citizens. if some corporation or charity wants to launch a scholarship program for immigrants, thats fine by me.
6 - state must have a blalanced budget law to get federal money. no DC money if they're simply going to go deeper into the red.
pdockal · 56-60, M

They already had restrictions ... for example highway funds must be used on the highway system in the state

California isn't acting like other states so they need to be treated differently

Stopping federal funding isn't unique ... look @ history of speed limits
markinkansas · 61-69, M
@pdockal [media=]blame this man first
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
California Dems Propose ‘Slush Fund’ To ‘Trump-Proof’ Illegal Migrants From Deportation Amid Deadly Wildfires

"First things first," Gavin always says. 🙄
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496sbc · 36-40, M
susan if i may ask. Gavin the goon said bring it on donald. and 50 million. holly gezzz i appreciate ur news.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
i hope so.. sad times ahead and still there are others worse off in the world.. make peace not war
Human rights after your people? Don't you need both? Why pretend they're opposed to each other - human rights and Americans interests?
Doesn't that seem like what Dems do to justify their brutality and their callousness? Are you a Dem?
@SusanInFlorida it's not possible to put the fire out.
The task is to turn Cali and every other state into a place full of green and sustainable communities.
Why hedge away from the truth here?
The problem is huge and so are the many solutions that must be applied.
pdockal · 56-60, M

Whose rights take priority ?????

Your s, mine, illegal immigrants or LEGAL immigrants

Don't confuse Legal vs Illegal
@pdockal no. We're all humans equally. That's part of being human. One global humanity and we need to be global citizens.
You should never choose to make laws that give someone more rights than another! But everyone knows that - you just like injustice, inequality and war.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
This is great news!!!! After we impeach trump we can just put Newsom right into office!!
jehova · 31-35, M
markinkansas · 61-69, M
@jehova i love that house.. wow..
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