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A "CAUKUS" Treaty, modeled after AUKUS, would supply Canada with nuclear-powered submarines to enforce protection of the Northwest Passage.

Canada has long sought recognition of the Northwest Passage as its sole sovereign waters.

This wasn't much of an issue when the Passage was frozen over nearly all year round.

But what ignorant U.S. policy decision makers in past decades failed to see is that by refusing to Canadian sovereignty and saying the Passage is international waters, we've not only been saying the Chinese would have the unequivocal right to send its large container ships to the Eastern U.S. seaboard and to Europe by a much shorter route (making their goods even cheaper and their economy stronger to our detriment), but it would also open the Passage to Russian ballistic missile submarines and significantly cut the time for them to knock out U.S. missile silos in the northern Great Plains.

Instead of Trump's foolish statements wanting to make Canada part of the U.S., once he takes office he should:

1. Immediately change United States policy to quickly recognize full Canadian sovereignty over the Northwest Passage.

2. Revise the mutual defense agreement with Canada (NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command) to include a sea-borne component whereas the United States Navy would contribute to the defense of the Northwest Passage.

3. In partnership with the United Kingdom (and patterned after the AUKUS Treaty), the United States would help Canada to develop and build a dozen nuclear-powered submarines, allowing Canada in time to take over much of the defense of the Northwest Passage and strenghten NATO's defense in the Arctic.

This new policy would also help repair the damage in U.S. - Canadian relations done by Trump with his idiotic statements regarding statehood and tariffs.

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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Something should be done. The how is a matter of question.

What your solution doesn't include is global warming in the artic region. Nuclear submarines emit a lot of heat.

AI generated
Nuclear submarines reduce their heat signatures by using advanced cooling systems that disperse heat through the hull or utilize seawater as a heat sink, helping them blend in with the ocean's background temperature. Additionally, they are designed with non-ferrous materials to minimize electromagnetic emissions, further enhancing their stealth capabilities.

Recently some fishing nets where accidentally pulled by a US nuclear submarine. They didn't even stop for miles because they weren't monitoring the pull nor the heat generated.

Extra heat just isn't what in those waters by any source need. Much less by nuclear submarines.

What needs to be done is similar to the Antarctic regions, with a non interfering environmental treaty.

Of course Russia won't agree, like in the antarctic. They broke it themselves already.

Published 4 Sep 2024

Yet Trump is so ignorant of even this. He doesn't care about the world environment a single bit. Nor does Russia.

So you would contribute to global warming in both the North and South poles? 🤬

You're insuring Florida will be under water sooner!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@beckyromero that only proves my point!

The iron current kept people in!

He wants slaves as resources not independent people.

It takes resources to keep people in mental slavery.

Look at China! They have total mental control there.

Putin would rather get rid of the independent Ukraine's. Why he kidnapped their kids.

It's too hard to get the resources to brainwash adult people.

Aristotle: "Give me a child until the age of seven and I'll show you the man!"

All he needs to do is breed more kids.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

The 1989 Soviet census showed a population of 286,730,819.

Russia's population in 2023 is estimated to have been 143.8 million - or half of what the Soviet Union's population was 36 years ago.

Putin wants to revive what he thought were the glory days of the Soviet Union, before he had to drive a taxi to make ends meet with his KGB job after the Berlin Wall came down.

He doesn't care about Ukrainian grain or what minerals it might have. Russia has plenty of natural resources.

He DOES care about the land itself given its proximity to NATO borders, its warm water ports and a population he looks at as Russian. Same goes with regards to the three Baltic nations.

But back to the Arctic.

Since we can't get the Russians onboard with any Arctic treaty and the Chinese want shorter shipping routes, the best we can do right now is take the Northwest Passage off the table, make it unavailble for international shipping.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea are that you CAN legally traverse international waters. But not a nation's territorial waters. If the U.S. were to recognize the Northwest Passage as Canadian sovereign territorial waters, what adversary is going to dare challenge that, when that recognition is backed up with the full power of NATO?

Look at it this way. A super container ship wouldn't be able to use the Northwest Passage without Canadian permission anymore than it could sail into San Francisco Bay without the permission of the United States.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@beckyromero I'll get back to the original point.

Yet look at what it takes to enforce that!

It means so much traffic in there that you're defeating your own purpose!

We can't enforce the antarctic treaty as is! It would defeat the whole purpose of keeping Antarctica ecology safe.

Same applies to the Arctic regions.

Russia found that oil on UK portion of Antarctica!

That's the United Kingdom! Not Canada! While using resources from Australia!

We as a world must think globally.

Heck the main portion of China will be under water if both ice caps melt. Worse than the USA.


1980 artic ice shelf

2020 artic ice self.

The sold white area is is Greenland.

Russia is hardly affected!

You must remember the Artic circle is a approximately in diameter a 9,942 mile circle.

Not even the USA, Canada and Russia all together can monitor the whole area.

In the meantime you melt more ice by increasing nuclear submarines. The more submarines the more ice you melt.

NASA video posted three months ago.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Excellent perspective you give! The damage that Trump has done so far has had such far-reaching effects that even where I live here in Sweden, they're already advertising on TV to not buy 'Made in America' products in our stores.

As an ex-Royal Swedish Navy propulsion design engineer who's office space was located in the bowels of a High Arctic Navy submarine, I can tell you first hand that patrolling the North West Passage on behalf of the Canadian Armed Forces was like going on an Easter egg hunt in a henhouse, where there are that many Russian subs to be found just hanging out and going nowhere from one end of the Passage to the other on any given day of the week. 🤿
War is defense! Murkans are the good guys!
Your theory that you must be able to kill me from far away to be safe is truly amazing! Never let people question it - it's a house of cards.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

It would also help protect the Arctic environment from development, massive cargo containers and oil spills.

At least on OUR side of the Arctic. Can't say what the Ruskies will do on THEIR side.
@beckyromero NATO is definitely Earth's greatest carbon emitter. They're just trying to help the Arctic.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Nuclear subs won't emit carbon.

But the cargo shipping industry is responsible for about 3% of all of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Do we really want that happening in the Arctic, where temperatures are already rising faster than the rest of the world?

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