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My fearless financial forecasts for 2025. These absolutely can’t miss.

Photo above - Heed my predictions! And stop asking "if you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"

My gmail is overflowing with “stocks to buy in 2025”. And also how I can cut my personal income tax bill, despite America going deeper into debt at the rate of $1 million a minute. If you also want to reject the uniformed ramblings of paid shills, please read on. I will give you my uniformed predictions, absolutely free.

1 - No . . . Bitcoin will NOT reach $1Million in 2025 (see link below). Nor will it fall to zero. It’s currently around $100,000. If you own 1 or more coins and are feeling confident, lets remember BTC has had big drops in every year. And it was below $50,000 for 20 of the last 24 months.

2 - Trump wants the national debt limit removed entirely. No, this will not happen. Congress absolutely LIVES for the excitement of emergency spending bills, and press conferences to air their spending grievances.

3 - Tesla new vehicle sales will fall off a cliff. And take used car resale values with them. People who buy a new cellphone every year are eventually going to catch on that Tesla 3 and Y models are 10-year-old tech, even though it's now safe to park them indoors at night. Usually.

4 - Housing prices will go up again, a lot. Except in Florida and California, which people are fleeing because of sky high property tax increases and condo dues hikes.

5 - The biggest stock gainers in 2025 will not be Nvidia, Tesla, Facebook (Meta), Google (Alphabet), Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Hertz or GameStop. Despite what you may hear.

6 - Desperate to increase American lifespans, and improve our mental health, Congress will explore legalizing LSD, mushrooms, and peyote. Because they’ve tried everything else. This could be like the early stages of medicinal marijuana stocks and solar panel manufacturers. Then the Chinese will step in with cheap imports.

7 - Gasoline prices will continue to spike at Christmas, New Years, Spring Break, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving. And will immediately fall afterwards. This has nothing to do with how much drilling is allowed, despite what politicians may say.

8 - Electricity prices will continue to soar. Every month. Don’t buy that wall socket device which promises to cut your electric bill by 90%. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees in summer and stop buying 75-inch OLED vampire TVs.

9 - A renewed push for a $15 national minimum wage. Even though this hasn’t had any impact on poverty in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, or Hawaii or other states with this law already.

10 - Uber rides cost more than $2 a minute in dozens of cities already. Don’t count on this getting cheaper either. It may soon be more economical to own a car again. And safer than taking the subway.

Influential market model says bitcoin price will hit $1 million in 2025 - TheStreet Crypto: Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news, advice, analysis and more
Trump doesn’t want to eliminate the debt limit permanently, which would actually be a good thing. He just wanted to push it out two years, which would make it the next Congress’ problem after he explodes the national debt again. He’s expecting that the Democrats will be in charge in two years, right about when his planned spending increases and tax cuts kick in.

Oh, you thought as a Republican he would cut spending?
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom i get it. every president wants to make an end run around congress, the constitution, and the supreme court. even if it's only for 2 or 4 years.

We need a balanced budget amendment. but it would be impossible to implemement it overnight.

instead, perhaps set a 5 year timeline, with annual caps on spending vs tax revenue. They caps (deficit) decline by 20% per year, resulting in zero deficit by the end of the phase out period.

this gives congress time to decide what programs to trim, and which to eliminate entirely.

hint - start with America's 800+ military bases worldwide.
jehova · 31-35, M
The best solution to preserve the American economy is hemp oil and its being processessed into gasoline which would result in lower gas prices and gdp increases which will solve all the other issues youve raised. Otherwise expect everything to continue to cost more by the week\day!
fun4us2b · M
Good's hard to be right on everything, but with investing, I say you just need to be right more often than you are wrong...
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@fun4us2b the problem is things can pivot so quickly
fun4us2b · M
@SusanInFlorida And in hind sight it makes sense - so the trick is to learn from it so you can better anticipate what will happen next...and act on it before it gets priced in...takes practice and discipline.
jehova · 31-35, M
Anoher solution buy local visit farmers markets support local business and buy used.

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