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Will someone please stop him

Fjb has made a mockery of justice system with his pardons and commutations. He is spending money we dont have driving up the deficit and selling off the border wall materials for pennies on the dollar.
Or is Bathhouse Barry still running the WH
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People need to realize he’s a mean spirited, vindictive politician and human being.
Coupled with getting shafted by his own party and seeing his VP lose toTrump, he’s lashing out. He is trying to get even with people. That’s why he is dangerous in the remaining days he has in office
@LordShadowfire Give it a rest.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@soar2newhighs I can never rest as long as lies are being spread by your side.
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specman · 51-55, MVIP
Yes he is giving pardons and clemency to those that are enemies to the American people. He has also freed up billions to Iran , traded Chinese spies, AJudge that was corrupt ( cash for kids judge, the selling of the material for the border wall and no telling what else.

He is really not presidential material. He is making decisions upon his own anger!
His actions should be overturned on account of his mental stability. He was already considered too senile to charge and news escaped about the media his administration and democratic lawmakers were covering up and keeping his mental decline from the American people.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@specman I chose to use as my source the Department of Justice website because they are unbiased. Each of those lists shows every person pardoned by the president in question, and what that person was charged with. I was very careful not to use a news outlet (or in the case of Fox News, an entertainment outlet) because every network puts their own spin on it. The DOJ simply lists the statistics.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@LordShadowfire did Trump pardon or give clemency to any child killers? Or judges who took kickbacks for convicting kids and sending them to a private facility for kids? The more he convicted so he could send more kids to the facility that was giving him kickbacks for each kid
Pardons? You're aware that President-Elect-Trump has a list of pardons as long as the Missisippi that he claims he's going to address on Day One?

But I daresay you're fine with that :)
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@Patriot96 Figured. As long as Trump makes the pardons, you're fine. But with Biden, it's unconstitutional..
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SW-User and you know about this list, HOW?
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