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The Pitfalls of Leaders

In the waning days of 2024, the time for reflection is at hand. No longer are we in control of our own destiny. The ever-encroaching dictatorial heavy hand of government intrusion has commandeered our very own existence. The reshaping of our society has extended far beyond what we thought our lives would be like in this first half of the 21st century.

Leaders of many governments have and are using their authoritarian power to enact policy directives that effectively render citizens almost powerless to the consequences of what is being enforced. We the hapless populations are pawns in the games the elites play.

When so much money is in the hands of so few they in turn can manipulate the perception that millions perceive as truths when in fact the opposite is the actual truth. This past election is the result. Why? Because the elites now control or own practically every entity of American life today.

As citizens of the world and of the US we have let our moral obligation to humanity and our nation wither and die. This has allowed an ever-encroaching cloud of deception and deceit to hang heavily over not only the US but many other parts of the world. Too many have become blind by the affluence of the oligarchy ruling class that has taken over in the US, Russia and many other nations.

In the US we inadvertently allowed a seeping cesspool of disingenuous policies to filter down into our society. As a result, our core values as a nation Liberty, Justice, Education, and Morality have all ceased being the bedrock principles of the United States. The principles that were the framework of our founding.

When leaders like Putin, Trump, and there are others exercise blatant disregard for the welfare of their nation and the world fueled by their overwhelming thirst for power, control and wealth supported by those unscrupulous individuals riding on their coattails as the saying goes are the results we are seeing today. If left unchecked the balance of the world will more than likely topple over sending the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping across the globe.
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1490wayb · 56-60, M
you are leaving when and headed where??
Nah. You ignore us Greens and Socialists when you vote cuz you like the wars and poverty, the hard work as and short lives, the chance for world domination. We get that about the country.
ron122 · 41-45, M
You should leave the country really fast. Save yourself!🤣
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I am so happy to see Biden and Harris leaving town. All they did was trash the country, the Constitution and the economy. In his last days it's another $90 billion to the Ukraine and blanket pardons to his son and his cohorts in crime. It will be so good to finally have someone in office like Trump who actually loves America.

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