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A Full Hillary Clinton Pardon Won't Stop Extradition To Haiti To Face Justice


Bill Clinton wants Hillary pardoned by Biden. It won't stop Haiti for putting in a extradition request, and the pardon by default can't cover her crimes in Haiti. She may still be sent to Haiti to face justice.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Pardons for everyone that supposedly did nothing wrong. Everyone of the M effers know they are guilty as sin. It's their game to get away with.
4meAndyou · F
Haiti is a failed state, run by gangs who barbecue white people whom they find annoying. There is no real government there anymore. Spirit airlines was the last commercial flight to try to land, and the gangs opened fire on the plane.

Haiti won't be asking for Hillary.
@4meAndyou Haiti is highly dependent on Kamala Harris for military aid to keep the peace keepers from Kenya and Jamaca intact. If they want that to continue, they will ask for Killery.
4meAndyou · F
@Dignaga Like it would ever happen.
@4meAndyou I know some bounty hunters.

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