NJ Lawyer Kicked Out of Council Meeting for Waving American Flag in Protest of ‘Disgusting’ New Law
In a shocking display of government overreach, a New Jersey lawyer was forcibly removed from a town council meeting for exercising his First Amendment right to wave an American flag.
The incident occurred in Edison Township, where officials recently passed a controversial ordinance restricting residents’ ability to express themselves during public comment sessions.
Joel Bassoff, an Edison resident and attorney, found himself at the center of a heated confrontation when he dared to wave a small American flag while addressing the council on Nov. 25.
The new rule, part of Ordinance O.2239-2024, prohibits the use of “props” during public comments, bizarrely including both the American flag and the U.S. Constitution in this category, according to Fox News.
Bassoff, standing firm in his convictions, warned the council of potential legal consequences for their actions.
“I’m holding up an American flag to represent the constitutional values,” he declared, only to be met with the sharp bang of Council President Nishith Patel’s gavel.
As tensions escalated, Bassoff continued to assert his rights.
“It’s my constitutional right to do this,” he stated, adding, “If you get sued, you will lose.” His words resonated with many in attendance, who applauded his stance.
The council’s response was swift and severe. Patel ordered Bassoff’s removal, prompting cries of “shame on you” from the audience. Even as Bassoff agreed to sit quietly, he was escorted out by police officers, leaving the meeting in a five-minute recess.
Maryann Hennessey, another Edison resident, voiced her disgust at the council’s actions.
“To consider the American flag and the Constitution a prop when someone raises it is an insult to what the flag is, what the flag stands for and what this country is,” she said.
“A lawyer who showed up with Old Glory was literally escorted from City Hall chambers by police. There’s a very simple solution: no more federal tax dollars. Let the citizens of Edison fill their own potholes,” wrote Newsmax host Todd Starnes.
When residents pressed Patel on the fact that the ordinance does not specifically ban the American flag or the U.S. Constitution, he responded, “any props will be considered not conducive to good order and as the president, I am making that call.”