@BizSuitStacy Weren’t you the one who claimed the Keystone XL executive order caused the jump in oil prices after 2020? 😂 That‘s a first rate example of your alternate facts. Anyways, I perfectly comprehend why she lost, if it had been Nikki Haley on the other side, I would‘ve enthusiastically supported the Republicans but alas, that wasn’t the case. Still, I‘m very cognizant of the Democrat‘s weaknesses and liabilities.
@CedricH 🥱 Your memory is leaking...I was the one who said the XL pipeline was the first domino that kicked off inflation. You can mark it to the ink drying on the EO. That's the point at which the US became dependent on foreign oil again.
And after I shared the graph above, you doubled down with a lie claiming inflation was well under way before Biden took office...oops
Never heard back from you after that.
But I want to hear more about your conspiratorial worldview delusions, since the conspiracy theorists are way ahead 165-0.