It's not about who has rights and who doesn't. What the view stated was that women WILL have less rights than men, not that women have never had rights as men do. You're misrepresenting what was said so your question is already moot.
For example, in most anti abortion countries there are zero to no reproductive care for women due to a large number of factors but religious beliefs play a huge role. Pro lifers believe in traditional marriage, no contraceptives since that's technically abortion but that's namely a Catholic belief, they believe in small government so no free childcare etc.
All of those beliefs combined are counter intuitive to how humans actually act in reality.
In more secular countries, they tend to be richer and happier. Most secular countries have abortion legalized actually have less abortion and with that more births. They also have things like free child care and the educational system is entirely different with different expectations.
There's certain beliefs that really are counter intuitive to human behavior and the whole fascist crowd with what they believe are going backwards and will result in women having less rights.
The red pill crowd doesn't believe women should vote are by and large Trump supporters too. Has anyone seen what they say about women? Has anyone seen what red pill women say about other women?
All of these things must be taken into consideration. That's why women will have less rights as a whole.
We're already behind a lot of countries. Most countries have banned our use of preservatives, most have free childcare, healthcare, most places already have abortion legalized, better meat, better food etc.
We're really behind in everything. We're behind so much that I really wouldn't be surprised if in the far future, the States was designated as a developing nation rather than a developed one.
We're even behind on infrastructure and a large portion of Americans are illiterate, as in real stats.
Soooo yea.