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The Day The National Guard Shot Americans

May 4, 1970. The Kent State Massacree.

Fifty-four years ago, four students were shot by the National Guard during an anti-Vietnam War protest at Kent State university in Ohio – a tragedy that still resonates today.

Members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.

So if you do not think that Trump would not use the military against citizens, think again.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
A few years on a business trip, I made the pilgrimage to the site on the Kent State campus to see the area for myself. While one of the fields is now a building, the site of the shooting is still there, as well as the parking lot where several died. The pagoda was still there as well. I stood precisely where the Guard fired from near the pagoda, and where the closest students were who were shot, as well as where the dead were. One thing that was crystal clear is that based on the distance, the Guard were not under imminent threat by the students, and that there is no doubt that the killing was deliberate. One thing most people have forgotten, including when the right-wing verbally attacked the students and sided with the Guard, is that one of the four dead was an ROTC member, over 100 yards away, moving away with his back turned as he was shot in the back walking to class. When you stand where William Schroeder stood before he was gunned down in hate, you know this was an event that should never have happened.
I've always wondered what moment in history Trump thought was when America was Great.

Granted, 4 dead kids looks not so bad when you you compare it to other mass shootings that are supposedly the price we pay to live in a free country, but I hope we're not going back to 1970.

Well, except for the music anyway.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MistyCee [media=]
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Years ago i was watching a documentary on the Kent State murders and there was footage of a professor trying to calm down the officer in charge and being told to clear the quad or he'd order his troops to open fire again. :'(
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@ChipmunkErnie It was Geology Professor Glenn Frank.

Some faculty members, led by geology professor and faculty marshal Glenn Frank, pleaded with the students to leave the Commons to avoid any further escalation of the confrontation, with Frank telling the students:

I don't care whether you've never listened to anyone before in your lives. I am begging you right now. If you don't disperse right now, they're going to move in, and it can only be a slaughter. Would you please listen to me? Jesus Christ, I don't want to be a part of this ... !

His words are preserved in videos you can still watch. It is chilling realizing what was getting ready to happen. Frank's pleas caused the students to break up and leave, saving perhaps hundreds of lives.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
If you think its the presidency giving the orders....Think again. Its their handlers called the elite like the Free Masons controlling the shots
How quickly people forget
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ron122 · 41-45, M
@SpudMuffin So the truth bothers you. Got it.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@ron122 perhaps you should learn the difference between truth and wishful thinking.
What bothers me is your lack of knowledge of your own country's history. Come on mate, it's not hard, there's only 250 years of it! 🤣
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ron122 Just your half mate...😷

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