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MAGA: If Trump loses the election....what are you going to do this time? Last time you attacked democracy...who will you attack this time?

Obviously this time there will be plans set in place for another assault like Jan 6th so that's not going to work again.
Are you going to escalate, bring all your tacticool, gravy seals gear and start a civil war? Are you going to attack any neighbour you can find with a Harris?Walz sign on their lawn?

Or will you just accept the results of the election and move on like proper Americans?
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
Trumpists don’t accept election results unless they win. The beauty of fascism.
@TryingtoLava Well Trump I think still has the mental age of a 6 year old. Which is worrying. The way I see it, if a 78-year old man is ranting about immigrants eating your pets, you take him to a geriatric neurologist; you don't hand him the nuclear codes.
@Mesthartiya hahaha you got it mister
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Mesthartiya Best comment in a long bloody time.
@Bhs123 says
inly reason lost last time is democrats cheating the election using dead body for mail in ballots

Trump brought SIXTY ONE court cases at different levels in different states with different teams of lawyers, and NONE of them found any evidence of significant election fraud. NONE of them.

Trump also asked his attorney general (and one of his staunchest allies), William Barr, to have the 112,000 member Dept of Justice look into election fraud. I don't know how many members were assigned to look for fraud, but with 112,000 members they have plenty of resources. Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

But wait! There's more!!

In the days after his 2020 loss, Trump's campaign commissioned two different independent firms to look into 2020 election fraud: Simpatico Software, headed by Ken Block, and Berkeley Research Group. Neither found any significant fraud.

In the months after Biden took power, the republican states of Arizona and Georgia carried out very careful hand recounts and examinations of voter rolls, including the notorious Arizona "Cyber Ninja" hand count. Both found no significant fraud and no signs of funny business.

Ariz. hand count https://azsos.gov/election/2020-general-election-hand-count-results
Georgia signature audit https://www.ajc.com/politics/no-fraud-georgia-audit-confirms-authenticity-of-absentee-ballots/QF2PTOGHLNDLNDJEWBU56WEQHM/
Georgia Independent machine audit https://www.wrcbtv.com/story/42925055/no-sign-of-foul-play-found-in-audit-of-georgias-voting-machines
Mich: https://www.michigan.gov/som/0,4669,7-192-47796-553386--,00.html
Georgia: https://www.ajc.com/politics/no-fraud-georgia-audit-confirms-authenticity-of-absentee-ballots/QF2PTOGHLNDLNDJEWBU56WEQHM/
Arizona https://apnews.com/article/technology-biden-cabinet-arizona-phoenix-elections-b59f85b6e917e91a40dc8e99bcab480a
Penn https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/spl/pa-election-results-risk-limiting-audit-results-limitations-20210310.html

But wait! There's more!!

Additional "rigged election" claims have evaporated under scrutiny.

(1) Mike Lindell? Lost to his own "prove me wrong" thing.
(2) Mark Meadows? Recanted under oath.
(3) Sydney "Kracken" Powell? Recanted under oath.
(4) Kenneth Chesebro? Recanted under oath.
(5) Rudy Giuliani? Convicted of defamation.
(6) Vote counting machines? They match hand counts.
(7) 2000 Mules? Source "True the Vote" refuses to back up any of their claims in court, despite subpoenas.
(8) Fox News paid out $787,500,000 because they couldn't support their claims of election fraud. $787,500,000 - that ain't pocket change. A business doesn't pay out $787,500,000 for defamation without first spending millions to see if there might be a shred of support for what its people said; to find some excuse for why it's not defamation.

Source info for all points available upon request.

So there you have it, .. There's no rational reason to believe Trump's lies about a "rigged" or "stolen" election. Evidence for it doesn't exist. Now I know all these investigations won't change the minds of cultmembers, but an immunity to evidence is one of the ways you know you're in a
dale74 · M
What starts me as odd is you don't tend to care when States have 500, 000 more registered voters than citizens in their state you don't tend to question it when a precinct has 110% voter turnout none of this matters to you and how much it destroys democracy so don't be preaching about democracy when Democrats haven't respected democracy in the last hundred years.

What starts me as odd is you don't tend to care when States have 500, 000 more registered voters than citizens in their state you don't tend to question it when a precinct has 110% voter turnout none of this matters to you

First of all, do you have evidence to back this up?

Secondly, even if it's true (it isn't) what makes you so sure it's Democrats benefitting? It could just as easily be Republicans trying to inflate Trump's vote. Actually, that is FAR more likely.

I'll wait.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@dale74 your facts are in error. ALL of the states AG's certified he election
you have been fed some misinformation
@Amylynne That goes without saying lol
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
14 million views 10 hrs
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
@Pikachu get to packing
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
We did not burn building, riot and loot like the lefties in 2016
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Pikachu there was doubt abot the vote count. He asked for a delay to investigate.

There wasn't really. It just was one person constantly saying that the count was rigged without any evidence. Any doubt that flowed from that came from his most gullible followers. There was no serious reason to doubt the election.

He asked for PEACEFUL demonstration.

That's 1 line, in a speech, that he had to put in there from his speech writers. All the rest is an apocalyptic message, where people get robbed from their vote, and if those people don't fight they are going to loose their country. But you only remember a 20 second fragment of a speech that took over an hour.

Apparentlt there were fbi agents/ agitators in the crowd

When does Santa pop up in the narrative?
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Kwek00 when kilary gets indicted for mishandling classified dox
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Patriot96 That has nothing to do with the unfounded stuff that you said before. For an American, you don't know a whole lot what is going on in your country do you?
RedBaron · M
*TACTICAL NAVY seals gear

lol yeah it's a bit of a double edged sword.
Harris should be the choice...but what the MAGA cult will try if she wins is worrying.
RedBaron · M
@Pikachu Actually, I believe either side will have a meltdown when their candidate loses.

Probably. But so far we've seen that one side is willing to attempt violently to subvert democracy.
SparkleLeaf · 51-55, T
"Gravy seals" always makes me laugh.

Bhs123 · 36-40, F
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
@Pikachu inly reason lost last time is democrats cheating the election using dead body for mail in ballots

How do you know she lied about it?

What will you do if Trump loses in a couple weeks? Are you going to accept the result? Are you going to rise up violently?
Or are you just going to mutter impotently to yourself about stolen elections while you get on with life?
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Well your criticism didn't really merit a serious response.
You say she lied about growing up middle class: Proof?
You say she lied about being black: LAMOOOOO proof?

The only thing i'll credit is that she towed the party line that Biden was fit when i don;t think he was just as Trump is no longer physically or mentally fit but MAGA says he is.

You said the list was huge but only 1/3 was actually a legitimate claim.

I don't use MAGA as the idea of "Make America Great Again", i use it to describe the group of people who have placed Trump on a pedestal and for whom the pussy grabbing, adulterous, daughter fucker can do no wrong.

Boy....if you want to go toe to toe with CONFIRMED, OBJECTIVE instances of lying by these two candidates, you know you're going to lose.
But say they word and we'll get to it😁
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Pikachu Both her parents were phd to me that's not middle class ,the only brown blood in her is Indian ,can't prove she worked at mc Donald's. Said she'd never support border wall now she does said she'd ban fracking now she won't. Invited millions of illegals to flood the border and overwhelm social services. Name one good thing she has done

Both her parents were phd to me that's not middle class
PHD means you have a high level of education, not a high level of income. Just ask any number of PHDs.

he only brown blood in her is Indian

Her father is Jamaican. A black man. Where's the lie?

can't prove she worked at mc Donald's

And i couldn't prove that i worked as a paper boy for my local paper...but i did. lol what proof should she have? What proof have you kept of a job you had 20 years ago?


Name one good thing she has done

Here are many.

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KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Pikachu well I'm not going to just quietly accept the results. I'm going to always do what is best for me and what I want to do. I will stay out of their way though and if they stay out of my home and my private life. So we can agree to disagree and sleep in separate bedrooms that works for me

You don't have to be happy about it. Democrats certainly weren't happy in 2016.
You just have to support the sanctity of a fair and democratic election. Again, something Trump hasn't managed.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Pikachu as long as they support the fair constitutional rights and freedoms that were given to me by the founding fathers and the security of our nation in the good of America as a whole then that's fine with me
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