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Florida Amendment 3. What the stoners call "Legalized Recreational Marijuana."

Boys and girls, this is just too much fun. Folks are all over the place when asked about whether or not they support Amendment 3.
Here are some highlights about our very neurotic conversation in the Sunshine State.
First, the text: https://reason.org/voters-guide/florida-amendment-3-would-legalize-recreational-marijuana/

(Actually, you have to download a PDF of the proposed text of Amendment 3. Reading it is an Excedrin headache.)

Let me count the ways this is funny as hell:

1. Florida has already had a medical marijuana law on the books, (which was passed in 2016.) Supposedly it authorized only doctors to prescribe marijuana to terminally ill patients with chronic pain. Doctors here are handing out scrips like candy. In fact, there is a product called CBD Gummies, which contains THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.) Can you imagine that? Marijuana CANDY!

2. Amendment Three says licensed dispensaries can sell marijuana to adults 21 or over without a prescription, but only 3 ounces at a time. And adult 21 or over is not allowed to possess more than 3 ounces at a time. Hell, you could have a better time buying liquor, with ZERO amount limits.

3. (This is going to freak you out.) Florida Governor DeSantis opposes Amendment three, but he does it for the same reason the STONERS are against it. He claims the marijuana industry will come in and take over and the big time CEOs will make a fortune off weed. And this is probably the first time I've ever disagreed with the Governor, but that is not going to happen. According to Amendment Three, the licenses for dispensaries today are it. No new ones will be created unless the Florida legislature passes a law creating new licenses. I'm pretty sure the Republican legislature and Governor will not allow RJ Reynolds to come in, buy up half the Everglades and start producing pot.

4. The Sheriff of Bradford County in Florida is actually FOR Amendment 3. (Bradford County is the home of Raiford Prison, which is where they carry out the death penalty.) His own words: “Would you rather have an adult purchasing marijuana from the drug dealer or would you rather have them purchasing it in a store that is regulated, controlled and taxed.”

5. Stoners always crack me up. Most of them claim Amendment 3 would take away their right to grow their own pot.

That's right. Stoners are actually saying that.

Never mind that they can be arrested for growing their own pot now.

6. Florida is kind of in a tizzy about Amendment 3, (which is on the ballot because the Republican controlled Florida Legislature is NOT going pass such a law.) The Amendments are an exercise in RAW DEMOCRACY, by the way.

7. Need another laugh? (And I know the liberals here are almost pissing themselves laughing at Florida about this.) Florida passing Amendment Three will NOT shield a pot smoker from being arrested for possession since FEDERAL LAW still prohibits it.

Ya gotta admit: FLorida has the best economy and the best schools in the country and THIS is the place to go when you want to be entertained.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
You know what is really funny? I see you have no clue what CBD gummies contain. You lied about them containing THC. They don't. They contain CBD as the name implies, and that is a completely different compound. I guess when you live in Florida and you have a governor that lies about everything, you figure you can too.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@windinhishair I haven't lied. There are CBD gummies and there are medical marijuana gummies. I know some medical marijuana patients who get them. There is a difference.
There IS a CBD Delta 8 canned drink that contains THC.
(I have some friends who are now getting rich from the hemp based business they started after President Trump legalized the sale of hemp. This is how I know about hemp and THC and other things.)

Oh, and Governor DeSantis is the most honest governor in the entire United States.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 You CAN get some gummies that contain both, but not those you were referencing. Nice recovery try though.

You don't really believe Rhonda Santis is the most honest governor in the entire US. He's not even the most honest governor in Florida.
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4meAndyou · F
In future, Florida, and many other states, will be very, very sorry they have done this. At present, the marijuana for sale in most dispensaries has an extremely high, (no pun intended), THC content, as do edibles which are for sale. This is not the marijuana of the 60's, which could be smoked safely on occasion. This is marijuana that can and WILL cause schizophrenic behavior, and eventually, psychosis.

When a huge segment of our population has become mentally ill, (and hasn't that already happened?), it will be too late to perform a course correction.
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Just legalize it period. People can grow it in their back yard. That's how it should have been all along.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@HobNoblin This is what is so hilarious. A lot of people think Amendment 3 is going to turn Florida into Woodstock.
There is a group of stoners here who believe the amendment will keep them from being able to grow pot on their own property.

Yeah, I know. They must be stoned all the time. It's already illegal.

This is similar to the sale of moonshine during Prohibition. When the Amendment was overturned, moonshiners stayed in business, (even as the ratty tasting stuff they produced was way inferior to the whiskeys you could get at liquor stores.)
Moonshiners are in business even today.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
There are paid shills making accounts on here. Once you block that garbage the site gets better.
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ArcticDave · M
It was your generation that made drugs cool.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ArcticDave I'm not sure drugs were ever cool.
The original Harrison Act was enacted towards the beginning of the 20th Century to allow the government to legally harass Japanese laborers who built our railroad infrastructure and relaxed by using opiod products. But Ulysses S. Grant was a cocaine user.

Some of the finest JAZZ musicians in American history (Charlie Parker, Red Rodney, John Coltrane, Ray Charles, etc) were heroin users. That powder allowed Parker to live and thrive to the ripe old age of 35. Ray Charles was very lucky to have lived as long as he did.

Of course, leave it to the Jamaicans to make a religion (rasta) out of marijuana use.

This country has been in an argument with itself for a long time, based on drugs and alcohol.

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