I’ve changed my mind. Trump probably IS a foreign agent . . .

[i]Photo above - scene from the award winning 1962 film Manchurian Candidate. Senator Jordan muses "I think if he was a paid Soviet agent, he could not do more to harm this country than he's doing now.[/i]
Is $100,000 for a Trump “Swiss watch” out of your price range? Don’t worry, there are still plenty of golden Trump sneakers for sale at $399. Who the heck buys this stuff?
Foreign governments funneling money to Donald Trump. That’s who.
We all know that Trump is first and foremost about “The Art of the Deal”. Money. And he has lost millions – perhaps billions – due to various court verdicts and IRS judgements. Hence, the watches, sneakers, crypto, and god knows what else.
Anyone can buy this stuff, and NOT run afoul of those pesky laws barring foreign powers from bribing US politicians. In the same way that Hunter Biden sold a bunch of totally schlock paintings and earned hundreds of thousands because each had a hilarious NFT (nonfungible token) attached, as if it was actually worth anything. The Hunter scam was really clever, because so many of this “artwork” was paid for with in crypto-currency. But who knows, perhaps that’s also the story with the $100,000 Swiss watches which are actually made in a Wisconsin mall storefront next door to a Wendys. (See link below).
Just because Trump is being funded by Russia, China, and god knows who else, doesn’t mean he’s AWARE that he’s being manipulated. He hasn’t necessarily promised the axis of evil anything return. He hasn’t promised to disband NATO, disarm Israel, or allow China to march into Taipei Taiwan. Those decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, AFTER the election. If he wins.
The whole $100,000 watch scam is part of a larger plan to disrupt America’s election process, sow doubts about election integrity, and send people at each other’s throats over abortion, gay library books, illegal alien rapists. I don’t think Putin actually has a preferred candidate in 2024. He’s going to win no matter who is elected. Because we’re going to have a weak and ineffective president, ignorant about foreign policy and defense. And the vast majority of our high school graduates – who read collectively at the 5th grade level – will have aligned themselves with one candidate or another for reasons they can’t clearly explain.
I’m just sayin’ . . .
Trump is selling $100K ‘Swiss-made’ watches. A search for who makes them took a bizarre turn