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Elessar Caught Fabricating George Washington Document


If he doesn't come up with a excellent explanation on how George Washington ordered the Continental Army in 1777 to be mass vaccinated for Small Pox decades before the Small Pox Vaccine, first vaccine ever discovered, in 1796, I'm blocking him for being a notorious liar of ill repute.

You don't have much time. Better explain how George Washington invented it decades before the rest of the world discovered it.

Turns out @Elessar is correct. There were methods of inoculation PRIOR to Jenner's smallpox vaccine.

See: American Battlefield Trust
Washington Inoculates an Army
The Continental Army Battles an Invisible Foe

From a different source:
Inoculation process
The process involved a physician using a knife or scalpel to lance a pustule from an infected patient and then inserting the infected blade under the skin of a healthy person. The inoculated person would usually contract a milder form of the disease.
Oops. Try again.

Vaccines were not the only method of inoculation.

@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow No you didn't, you just copy and pasted the text on google and pasted the top result.
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Maybe the same way Washington had ordered the troops to take over the airports during the war.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Vaccines at that time were probably just blood lettings. lol
@AthrillatheHunt it was a form of inoculation that yeah was bloodletting and infecting the wound deliberately. Very risky. That is why vaccines were a safer invention.

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