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Should Right vs Left be changed to Right vs Wrong?

In politics, we use Rught vs Left. This is a imported idea from the French Revolution, based on who sat on what side of the table, and doesn't have roots in American Democracy.

In Europe, they try to make out that the Left is classifally liberal (it isn't) and the right is fascist, but fascism is a direct growth out of socialism and is almost identical to it, save a few cosmetic changes. Nietzsche wanted to be a aristocratic conservative of high caste europeans, but almost everyone one of his followers, including Hitler, was on socialist left.

In the US we never had that dichotomy. The US liberals, who are not descended from classical liberalism and are opposed to most of it's ideals, would love if the US Conservative movement was related to the European concept. US Conservatives are the closest to classical liberal thought still at play in politics today.

In order to reduce confusion and increase accuracy for the America, I recommend we change it from Right vs Left to Right vs Wrong. This way, everyone will recognize immediately a liberal is just a Marxist or a Fascist trying to trick them with backwards, wrong headed ideas, the sort the United States fought against in WW2 and the Cold War. Neither the Nazis or the Soviets were good people, brown shirts or black shirts equally bad. Both were socialists, bith flew red flags, oppressed the people, hurt their economies and threw people into political prisons and killed people off in the millions for disagreeing with them. This is why they should be called Wrong.

Right vs Wrong, it's as simple as that.
4meAndyou · F
The chucklehead who laughed as a response is a troll. You might want to think about taking out the trash.

It MIGHT be hubris for the conservative movement to label themselves as right about everything, and the democrat/socialist/Marxist movement as wrong about everything, but it is certainly tempting to think in that way. I certainly FEEL as though they are wrong about everything.

AND, most importantly, during the three years in which the wokesters have come to power, our country has plummeted down the drain.
It should be normal (left) vs. psychotic (right). Political scientists will study this era for years on how formerly reasonable conservatives descended into insanity.

If you think liberals are “Marxists” or “Fascists,” that just shows you don’t know what the words mean.
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@jshm2 US is only on it's second republic. France is about to do Number 6.
@Motzu Only because Conservatives in the US in particular treat the constitution as a holy text.

Other countries understand it is just a legal document that should be updated or scrapped when it is no longer relevant.
You don't even understand the terms you throw around. Like a toddler who learned a new word.
Musicman · 61-69, M
I'm good with that. 🙂
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Says one of the wrong and most socially and economic destructive parties that ever held the White House.
@Gibbon I am not a Republican.
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