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Honest question: what (specifically) is an “open border”?

I would think if a border was “open” there would be no Border Patrol and no border checkpoints?
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TheDirtyDog · 51-55, MNew
Just right wing talking point
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Thats what the words mean. But like so many things these days, just because thats what the words say, that isnt what it means.😷
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Thinkerbell Okay, well, words have meaning, but I guess we're just ignoring that.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thinkerbell So its not an open border.. Its a "not so closed" border. You see what I mean.. An open border is a free flow in both directions..And frankly thats doable. If you fix a lot of the other problems in America first..😷
@Thinkerbell That kinda sums it up. We had an "open border" under every president.

Conservatives use it as a propaganda term for racists, it means nothing.
"Open border" is kinda like "woke" in that it means something, but when we hear it in right-wing propaganda, it means nothing. America could have a gigantic wall, a moat, and snipers stationed, but we'd still hear Republicans claim the border is open.
It's actually akin to blood libel, something to throw at others
REMsleep · 41-45, F
An open border is a silly concept and I have no idea what that means in practice.
Are there any borders in this world that are truly open except like maybe Antarctica???
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@REMsleep Beats me. I live in a border state and I haven't seen much a change in border enforcement in 40 years. To me an "open border" means you really have little or no rules as to who comes and goes. I guess it could also mean you have few rules, and you put little effort into enforcement of the rules that you have. Neither is the case for the USA, nor has it been for as long as I have been alive.

I've asked many Trump voters, and so far nobody has been able to tell me what they mean by "open borders" or what specifically Biden/Harris did to "open" the border.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@trollslayer I live in Texas and I'm very familiar with the border I have a property actually on the border.
I think I know what people mean when they say that Biden "opened the border".
They just mean that the administration has made it fairly easy for people to come over illegally and stay at least for a period of time without having any serious repercussions and in fact being encouraged to do so at times.
This is especially as compared to more restrictive governments or times in our past when the enforcement has been taken a little bit more seriously.
Honestly the border has always been pretty porous but I will say that the government was not handing out things like EBT cards.
I am not a Trump supporter.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@REMsleep Where I live, you have to have some kind of legal authority in order to get an EBT card or any public services. This could mean they are here legally under asylum status or have a child who is a US citizen (born here). The vast majority are people that once had a valid visa, but it expired and they did not leave.

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