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What will you say, Magats?

So you say trump did not commit the crimes he is charged with?

Or do you declare him immune as president?

Smith laid out quite a lot of evidence today.

The scary thing is you Magats don’t refute it. Instead you say it is unfair that Trump is being charged. You say that because you know deep down he is guilty.
Modern conservative politics has it's roots in Monarchist politics. That explains alot.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The bottom line is, you cant hold him accountable, just because hes Trump.. Hes allowed to do anything... And thats the MAGAT mantra. If Americans are OK with that, vote him back in. But you dont have to. The courts can clean it up later..😷
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
The evidence shows his guilt as a private citizen performing non-presidential activities to actively overturn an election. By Court order he is not immune. He is not innocent. He's cooked. He's done.
I have to side with the authoritative body - in this case, the decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@MarmeeMarch that trump committed crimes but doesn’t matter because he is immune?
@trollslayer I don't know, I am not a lawyer - the courts that heard the evidence and handed down a decision. The highest court. It is the Law Of The Land...
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
I don't know

That pretty much sums you up out here.
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