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Harris Up +3 In Georgia In New Fox News Polling

The numbers from polls taken September 20-24 in Georgia and Arizona have just been released by Fox News. Harris is up by 3 in Georgia and down by 3 in Arizona. This is significant because while Harris has been gaining in Georgia this is the first major poll that has her in the lead. Both are within the margin of error.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Thanks for that snapshot. Likely will change as many times as wel have days between now and Election Day. Wouldn’t it be nice if we received real facts and truth from thr candidates themselves, polling and the MSM. Unless something crazy happens between now and then (likely based on past presidential elections) looks like we wint have an answer by midnight on Election Day.
@MoveAlong Those were butterfly ballots, a situation that happened because ballot book assemblers rushed making them, hence the metal pivoting spines were not properly clamped to the pages causing misalignment, thus the confusion in Miami Dade and Broward counties in Florida. I know this because for the 1990 and 1992 Oregon primaries I assembled them for the Washington County Elections Department. When that happened in 2000, I called my old supervisor in Hillsboro, Washington County's Seat, I was in iowa when it happened in Florida, and he confirmed my suspicions, the spines were not properly clamped, causing misalignment.
Illyria · M
@NativePortlander1970 Exactly, and as a result, thousands of Gore votes were tossed aside, even though people had cast their votes, in good faith, for him.
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Harris is now trusted by more voters on THE ECONOMY!

Yeah, you read that right. Trump's strong suit had been the economy, but the bloom is off his rose.

Vice President Kamala Harris is trusted more to handle key election issues surrounding the economy than Donald Trump, according to a poll.

An Echelon Insights national survey of 1,005 registered voters showed that more than a quarter (26 percent) of respondents said the cost of living was the biggest issue facing the country, followed by jobs and the economy (14 percent).

When asked which presidential candidate they trusted to do a better job on the cost of living, 48 percent said Harris and 45 percent said Trump. On jobs and the economy, Harris was also ahead 47 percent to Trump's 45 percent.

How did Trump lose trust on the economy? Was it the $400 sneakers? Was it the cryptocoin? Was it the $100K watches he's selling?

Or was it the opinion of Wall St economists (e.g. Goldman Sachs) that Harris will be better for the economy??
Carla · 61-69, F
If the polls aren't close, there is much airtime to fill.
I hold zero faith in polls
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
7 of ten people believe that polls can be skewed by those in charge of it to fit their agenda. I discovered this by I poll I created and distributed. Do your research and become acquainted with what REALLY is going on, poll or not. I really don't care who you support or vote for!! That's none of my business and who I'm voting for isn't yours. But beware!! Whoever you vote for, be prepared to accept the ramifications of WHOEVER wins!! Because believe me!!! There will be ramifications either way!!!
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
@FORMERLYbatovn That 7 of 10 people you speak of came from a poll.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
@MoveAlong yes. That I made up to prove my point! That's why polls are very unreliable
The only poll I want to see is on 11/5

Trump - 270
Harris - 269
Illyria · M
@MarmeeMarch A statistical impossibility.

My prediction:

Harris - 292
Trump - 246

Although we could have:

Harris 270
Trump 268
@MarmeeMarch Smart candidates use polling to decide where to allocate resources and how to fine tune their messages. When tRump was ahead, he and his people used to tout the polls. Now they've pivoted to "all the polls are wrong"🤣😂
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Never trust polls, they only survey an average of 1,500 people in any one area, not exactly accurate.
Illyria · M
And that's why polls are not to be trusted.

Why? Because it's not looking good for Trump? 🤭

Also, we can throw in Professor Lichtmann's prediction of a Harris victory as well, if you like. He's got every election right since 1984 (except for 2000)

As well as Nate Silver's. He's gone from claiming Trump has it in the bag, to:

The forecast is still in toss-up range, but we’re getting to the point where we’d say we’d rather have Harris’ hand to play.”
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MoveAlong · 70-79, M
@NativePortlander1970 When a candidate sees that they are slipping in public polls they send their own staff in to try to find out if it is correct or not. It helps them to plan strategy and allocate funds. They are not worthless.

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