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‘Rabidly Leftist’ Colorado State Official Handed 3rd Defeat In Her Scheme To Influence Elections

A court has found that the public has a right to have certain information about elections and voter rolls, handing yet another defeat to a “rabidly leftist” state official in Colorado who has tried multiple times single-handedly to influence election results.

A report in the Federalist documents a federal court result, an agreement, that left Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold a loser again.

The federal court case outcome requires Griswold, a Democrat in a leftist state where the government is run, essentially, by Democrats in the governor’s office, Capitol, and legislature, to release reports by the Electronic Registration Information Center that are suspected of documenting dead people on the state’s voter rolls.

ERIC is a private group of leftists who handle voter registration data for states, but has been losing clients in droves because its officials demand that states keep some reports and information secret, a move which has been ruled to violate the National Voter Registration Act.

The report noted Griswold is “Colorado’s rabidly leftist secretary of state who will forever be known for her anti-democratic drive to knock former President Donald Trump off the ballot.”

She made that demand based on no more than her own political whims, and her wild claims that Trump is an “insurrectionist” because of the protest-turned-riot in Washington on January 6, 2021.

An insurrection, by definition, is a takedown of a government by a faction that takes over control of the nation’s legislature, economy, military, foreign policy and much, much more.

The J6 events actually involved some vandalism in Washington, but the claims of insurrection were fantasy pushed by Democrats who feared Trump and wanted to use some technicality to keep him from running for president this year.

The report explained Griswold’s “troubling record” in Colorado includes her decision to “mistakenly” mail postcards to 30,000 foreign nationals encouraging them to vote, a violation of federal law.

The report described Griswold’s work as an “election integrity fiasco.”
Are you referring to the Georgia election officials who have been conspiring to declare the 2024 election fraudulent, EVEN THOUGH THE ELECTION HASN'T HAPPENED???

... The emails show favoritism by the group toward Trump, as well as efforts by the group to show fraud in the 2024 elections, despite no vote yet having been cast.

...These emails show further evidence of what could be a plan to not only cast doubt on unfavorable election results in two months but also to swing the state in Trump’s favor, in a much more coordinated manner than the fake electors effort in 2020.

BTW, you ever find even a SINGLE ONE of the alleged "millions" of ballots printed by foreign countries?

If the machines were altering the count like Trump claimed, how come the hand count matched the machine count so closely???
In all, there were 126 counties within 10 votes of their original vote tally, according to the audit data. Of those counties, 54 counties matched their initial results exactly. No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results.
@sunsporter1649 'Splain to us why identical laws would matter more than a conspiracy to declare fraud LONG BEFORE the election.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Georgia and colorado have the same elektion laws? Whouda thunk it!
@sunsporter1649 I never said that. You pretended it mattered whether or not the laws were identical and I questioned your pretense. Sorry you couldn't follow my train of thought.

'Splain to us why you are trying to distract from a conspiracy to declare fraud LONG BEFORE the election.

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