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Summarizing how the fake-Republicans are scamming AND manipulating "the base..."

1. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders claims only biological parents can be humbled by children... not adoptive parents, not stepparents, not single people.

2. Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump claims if he loses, it will be the fault of the Jews.

3. Sidekick J D Vance claims migrants are eating cats and dogs and bringing AIDS.

4. Mike Johnson tries to shut down the federal government on orders by Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump.

5. Boy-Lindsey Graham (from South Carolina) tries to change the election laws in Nebraska.

6. Republican Ohio Governor, Mike Dewine, refutes the migrant fantasy being pedaled by Insurectionist-Cry-Baby-trump and sidekick J D Vance AND says he will vote for them.

7. Mark Robinson, candidate for Governor in North Carolina, heartily endorsed by Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump, confesses he's a "perv" and proclaims himself as a "Black Nazi" while acknowledging the KKK would never admit him for membership because he's black as he pledges his loyalty to their values. Fantasizes (out loud) of being a slave owner.

beckyromero · 36-40, F
Remember the old Sci-Fi mini series "V"?

It's like all those above you mentioned, especially Lindsey, have been brainwashed by Diana.

Except maybe not Trump. He was always manipulating people.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@beckyromero ... and according to his niece he was always being manipulated (mostly by his father). No wonder Eric really believes his father built the NYC skyline.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Orange man has said all of the lies so stop blaming so called fake republicans
More fake news from trumplicans! 😂😂😂😂😂
Remember how a few years ago, if you said the GOP was full of Nazis, people said you were being alarmist? We were so young.
Lukeman · M
No matter what the Republicans do, Trump will lose this election.

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