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Trump Challenges Harris to Officially Condemn Hamas Sympathizers and Antisemites

Former President Donald Trump challenged Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday to publicly condemn pro-Hamas sympathizers and denounce the antisemitism that has been occurring on college campuses.

Speaking at a “Fighting Anti-Semitism in America” event in Washington, D.C., Trump said that his opponent “has done absolutely nothing” to stop the “explosion of antisemitism” while she has been in the White House.

“I’m calling on Kamala Harris to officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, antisemites, Israel haters on college campuses and everywhere else,” the former president said, per The Post Millennial.

“She has not lifted a single finger to protect you or to protect your children or to even protect you with words.” he added.

Trump slammed Harris for her alleged sympathy for the pro-Hamas protestors, who, he pointed out, have been terrorizing Jewish students.

While Harris remains silent on the issue, Trump said that during his first week in office, he would “inform every college president that if they don’t end antisemitism they will lose accreditation,” The Washington Examiner reports.
And she’d lose votes. But I see where surprisingly Jill stein might be pulling votes from Harris in the Arab/muslim American community.
No don’t expect her to take the challenge.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Completely disagree with Trump on that one. Being anti Israel is not being anti Semitic.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 So you are pro raghead terrorist, eh?
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