trollslayer Maybe you would like to say exactly what you would like me to document. I will do so, but will not use good for nothing links. Clearly you have never taken a course telling you how you have to reference your dissertation. If you would take one you would see what I mean. Otherwise I will be happy to continue to be on your cancel list.
By the way, it is a hallmark of the ignorant and uneducated that they are very adverse to information that does not agree with their view. So I fully expect a contemptuous reply based on your fabricated view of me.
As to Trump, I don’t know or care what DT believes about 911.
A better question is do YOU believe that the numerous mistakes made in Butler, PA by the CIA were accidents. Or do you believe that a fuck up that colossal just might be intentional? In other words, are your dem leaders murderers. Of course, you will have to go outside of the steel fortress you call a mind and look for both sides as told by themselves. Dan Bongino was CIA and he is thorough and convincing.
It is a sign of the shallow nature of liberal thought that their attention is on 911 when the nature of current events is so serious.