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Silencing the Right

It is time to rethink participation in public debate. Dem presidential candidate was taped last week saying she was going to get all of the hate speech out of the public forum. No one asked the definition of hate speech😊😊😊😊. But, we all know the answer.
Biden is sharp as a tack.
Harris was never the border czar.
The party line is the only line now.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Is it just me that thinks that it's kinda hilarious for a candidate to completely abandon her entire announced positions on fracking, climatology, pumping crude from wells, letting criminals free from jail, jabbing kids with untested vaccines while keeping schools closed but encouraging rioters (peezfal protestz) , among other things, the now completely over run borders, cities, free digs food and medical for non English speaking vagrants.

Then suddenly endorse every known position of her opponent while laughing about how bad her and her boss's inflation is hurting families, how serious she's gonna be about crime, how much she cares about families, and how she's pledging 700 million for a border wall?

Is we stoopidd? Why yes. We must be stoopidd.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

I would say that my problem ran away from me. I probably even caused it down the street. For me the male influence was nonexistent. So what ever you people think has nothing to do with me. By your choice, not mine.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@MarthannBann888 What most mothers mistakenly pass on to their tenderfooted sons is heinous. Not that you do but some.

Father hatred, skepticism of the opposites distrust open emotionality.

A set of raspberry wrapped minty aroma atrocities, a great big fk me over sign for women, and a huge walk on me sign to his coup.

Ought his resilience and self confidence alloys be sufficient armor? Will his tears and cowardice on life's battlefields bring him a merciful reprieve as a contemptible slave or contemptuous victory?

Ought a man aspire to the benighted or is unbecoming timidness in a man that which swoons women, elevates a man's spirit, and begets sons from his God?
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@SteelHands Your suppositions defy common sense.

This first charge has terrible failings. 75% of men do not pay their child support in full. 50% don’t pay at all. The tender footed sons and their fathers may want to consider the consequences of their actions. Am I to suppose that destroying a woman’s life by condemning her to abject slavery and overwork will increase her amiability? A world where there is absolutely no understanding for a woman. No one is going to ask her for Christmas dinner. No one gives a flying shit.
There are a good many women who hate the fathers of their children. What are the stats on how many act on their feelings. Do you have them. Or, are you just spouting what you “think”? When my son’s father died he had a virtual shrine to him for then on. Because he visited his dad every other weekend until his death. He doesn’t speak to me now, but he sure loves the dad he visited who got away completely with his crimes against me. Son never knew.
I really don’t know what raspberry shit is about. If you mean I don’t fk every man who walks by as I am supposed to then I am guilty. I don’t owe you, or any of you my body. Fk you and feed you soybeans. There is no sign over my head, or that of any other woman that says available. Wishful thinking is not reality.Just like there is no sign over your head that says decent person.
Women don’t see those tears. They are too abandoned and exhausted, looked down on and condemned. I would have liked for someone to have been there to see my tears as well, but he was playing golf. After they have the shit beat out of them, women have to go to work whether they have tears or not. No one gives a shit if they are afraid. They just have to be at work on time.
How timid do you have to be to go play golf? Drink your child support money away? Benighted, all women know who has been ordained by God to be their masters. That is how they are raised. Do this! Do that! Clean this, clean that! Do the laundry, vacuum, clean the kitchen, bathrooms. I will spend your paycheck. If you buy enough clothes for work, you have spent too much even if I spend 10 times what you spend. Which I do.
Men have made my life a living hell from the day I came home from the hospital and my brother broke my arm in four places.
The only way to have self esteem is through real accomplishment. Be kind when you don’t want. Be generous. Where you see bitterness offer comfort. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Go to work and do it anyway, and forgive those who don’t care if you live or die.
She was the deciding vote for higher taxes too..

She can’t scream orange man bad for an hr…
This applies to women also.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@MarthannBann888 Huh? How is it correlated? All they had to do was force a bunch of congressmen to not certify the election under the threat of use of force and it would've been a successful coup. This was a failed coup but still a coup, by every definition of the term (that doesn't mention "weapons", only "violence").

Chanting to hang the former VP definitely qualifies as violence, fyi
@MarthannBann888 exactly and Trump was never charged for treason nor related charges in any court; if they actually had strong evidence that he did incite a coup, he would've already been in jail
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
The Democrats scream that Trump is Hitler yet they are the ones who are power hungry. The ones saying free speech needs to be limited to the Party line. They even have their own Gestapo the FBI and the DOJ. 😡
Elessar · 26-30, M
@soar2newhighs It's a spectrum, not a binary thing, and you're nowhere far in the spectrum of how bad things could go.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@MarthannBann888 Projecting much?
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Interesting slip. Stating the right is represented by hate speech.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Making excuses to dodge the debate, huh?
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People will continue to speak out
despite the media, politicians, bureaucrats and people who live in fear of what others might say., lest it offends them, they feel, not know it poses a threat to their views, beliefs and. agendas.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Of course, there is always being fired and cancelled from the community which is the punishment given to conservatives for their disobedience to their betters in the Democratic Party. Much the same as backwoods preachers used to do their church goers when the church goers strayed from the prescribed mindset. Liberals never stray from their orthodoxy or let others do so.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Silencing Russia
SteelHands · 61-69, M
People can be forced into silence as easy as tempting people into hell but silence isn't compliance. It's actually just ignorance on the part of they who snare each other and themselves.

What terrible ends do dishonorable beginnings make.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@SteelHands exclusive nor
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Okay "TheShanachie" thanks for commenting again and immediately blocking me.

I'll be sure to click the block button on your profile page. Promise I won't feel like I'm missing out reading your obvious lies.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@SteelHands people in this country have been forced into silence. If not they sacrifice their careers. Republicans are afraid of saying who they support. That might or could be a reason why DT supporters are so demonstrative at rallies.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
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MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

As a matter of fact, there are advertisements in the northeast and Midwest warning lawyers not to represent Trump or his supporters on penalty of being disbarred. These ads are being run by prominent liberal lawyers and their associations.
These liberal attorneys are clearly engaging in totalitarian practices. There should be no such restrictions on who a lawyer can represent. How dare you support such things! The real communists are liberals.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
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