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Trump Puts Himself in Legal Jeopardy By Admitting He Lost the 2020 Election.

“We got the most votes of anybody — of any sitting president in history, and he beat us by a whisker,” Trump said Aug 30. He has made similar comments in other appearances in the past few days.

“It was probably politically smart for Trump to admit he lost the election, but legally, that sure could have consequences,” said Tom Dupree, who was a deputy assistant attorney general in the George W. Bush administration.

“The whole thrust of (Special Counsel) Jack Smith’s indictment is Trump was trying to defraud and to cheat and to steal an election he didn’t win. If he’s now admitting (that) maybe he actually knew all along that he lost, well, he’s not really defending the accuracy of the vote. He really was trying to steal something.”

MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Certainly at this point, he's a dope. The problem is everyone keeps "gifting him" the respect that he's sane, sensible, and coherent. It's literally watching a mentally impaired person trying to navigate his way through the real-world and he just doesn't have that capability because he's none of those things. It's really sad in the way that it's seeing how the human mind can deteriorate to the point of no return. And, he's only getting progressively worse. He is fading fast and that's not intended to be a throw-away insult at him. His mind is shot.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Yes, which makes the chance of him being elected even more dangerous. And there's no comfort in that JD Vance would be Vice President and potentially succeeding Trump mid-term instead of someone with at least somewhat of moral compass in Mike Pence.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@beckyromero Yes, agreed. This is scripted for him to lose. There just can't be any improvisation or adlibbing. Everyone needs to stay with the lines as scripted.
Trump's recent statements could be used by prosecutors to argue that his actions were not based on a good-faith belief in election fraud but rather a calculated effort to retain power unlawfully.
Illyria · M
So... he now claims he won the popular vote??
beckyromero · 36-40, F
WonderGirl · 36-40
@Illyria You're right. I should have checked that. Thanks. 🤗
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Illyria Well, not at this point. He has been claiming he won the popular vote all along. Nancy Pelosi has told the story that after becoming president, in his first meeting with Congressional Leadership in 2017 instead of talking about what he wanted to accomplish as president, he led a conversation about how he won the popular vote. Pelosi corrected him that he didn't win the popular vote each time he brought it up and then tried to get him to focus on what they could do to work together and he would keep circling back about how he won the popular vote with crazy excuses: "The count was off," "The Democrats bussed in immigrants to California to illegally vote," "The Democrats bussed in Democrats from Massachusetts to New Hampshire to illegally vote."

He didn't like her from that point on.
accidentprone · 26-30, M
Why does Hunter Biden get immunity from jail and IRS tax crimes while his father is saying the Rich do not pay their share. Hunter did not pay his share and so also did not THE BIG GUY pay his share. But they want the rest of us to, and tax us to pay for all the illegal immigrants they have let into our country.
Musicman · 61-69, M
@accidentprone Shouldn't they make an example out of Hunter???
@accidentprone Hunter just pled guilty and faces prison, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Trump is saying he'll pardon the Jan. 6 rioters. He just admitted that he lost the election, so you can't make the argument that the riot was a legitimate response to the stolen election, because according to Trump, the election wasn't stolen. So he's saying he'll pardon people who trashed the Capitol for no reason.

The "big guy" referring to Biden is one (probably fake) email that Tony Bobulinski says refers to Biden. There's no evidence that Biden made any money from Ukraine. Jared Kushner on the other hand made billions from Saudi Arabia, probably in exchange for top secret documents that Trump stole.
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Good that Trump finally admits that he lost the election in 2020
He could just say he only figured out that he lost recently.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

If Trump wants to clarify something that he said, he would have to take the stand.
@beckyromero I agree, but his lawyers will advise against it because it would expose him to cross-examination and potential perjury.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I agree, but his lawyers will advise against it because it would expose him to cross-examination and potential perjury.


Which is why Trump won't be able to argue in court that he only figured out that he lost "recently."

Any hearsay evidence his lawyers try to submit in that regard would be inadmissible. Trump, and only Trump, would have to testify as to that excuse.

Any written evidence would be analyzed to death as to who it was presented to, when it was written, was it emailed, etc.
Musicman · 61-69, M
I have never heard that before.
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