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A simple poll. Who, in your opinion, is currently THE most hated politician on planet Earth?

Poll - Total Votes: 35
Benjamin Netanyahu
Vladimir Putin
Emmanuel Macron
Justin Trudeau
Keir Starmer
Viktor Orban
Olaf Scholz
Jens Stoltenberg
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Someone else
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I'm just curious, but this time I've decided I'm not going to reply to responses here, because I always just wind up getting into arguments in the politics section of SW. This time I want to remain as neutral as Switzerland.
chilloutab2 · 41-45, M
Lolz... we always need to keep reminding people on global websites and fora to come out of their Western-centric insularity.

This poll misses the two most important names: Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi

Xi Jinping is the most hated politician on the planet right now, simply because 90% of India (which alone is around 17% of the global population) hates him. Combine this with around 20% of China (as reported by media in the Philippines and Taiwan), as well as roughly 75% of the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea... and a sizeable population in the West, and the total numbers make Xi the most hated politician.

Modi is a close second, as he is hated by roughly around 25% of Indians (which is almost the entire US population), all of Pakistan and Bangladesh (which together again are more than the US population) as well as all Islamic countries besides the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia... apart from a lot of people in the West.

In terms of numbers, Netanyahu has overwhelming support in India, which comes close to negating the hate for him from Western and Muslim countries combined, but maybe not quite fully.

Putin is an extremely popular leader right now when you look at the global perspective, and not merely the Western one. Apart from the Russian population itself, Putin has the majority support in both China and India, and this alone is enough in terms of numbers to negate the number of his haters in other parts of the world combined. Add to this the support for him in Iran and Turkey and most of the Arab world, and most of sub-Saharan Africa, and he is right now the world's most popular or positively perceived politician in terms of numbers.

Everyone needs to remind themselves that the Western bloc - Europe (excluding Russia), the US, Canada and Australia combined - has fewer people than either China or India... and given the waning importance of the Western bloc globally in terms of economic and political power, increasingly global opinion is being shaped and global action directed by the non-Western world. This will only increase in the future... so the results of polls about who is what on "planet Earth" will be inaccurate and irrelevant if they are Western- or Euro-centric.
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
@chilloutab2 nicely explained
helenS · 36-40, F
In absolute numbers of haters, I'd guess it's Chinese President Xi Jinping. If only 10% of the population hate him, that would a whoppin' 140,000,000 haters.
chilloutab2 · 41-45, M
@helenS Not just the Chinese minority... Xi has a legion of haters outside China. He enjoys overwhelming hate in India, easily making him the most hated global politician. A billion-plus Indians can't stand him or his government.
helenS · 36-40, F
@chilloutab2 Oh yes thank you, I should have mentioned India...
And probably Taiwan! And South Korea. And Hongkong. And (...)
Thanks again 🌷
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I would say Netanyahu.

The obvious winner would be orange.
Stephie · 22-25, F
Switzerland has never been neutral. I know, I have Swiss origins and this is a myth. Swiss were always on the side of those it could leach the most.
@NativePortlander1970 But they didn't take a side in WWII.
@BohemianBabe Not officially, no, BUT, by accepting stolen nazi gold and treasures they did take a side.
@NativePortlander1970 They did business with countries on both sides of the war. Same with WWI.
carpediem · 61-69, M
In their own country, I think Trudeau far and away wins the prize as most disliked.
come2gether · 46-50, M
Ronald Mcdonald, he raised prices way too much.
Netanyahu is.
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MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@helenS It's one thing defending yourself, another trying to wipe out the entire population of Gaza including women and children.
@helenS give me a break, BIbi has done far more than "defend" Israel. It is OBVIOUSLY not only Hamas being killed by the IDF. 40k dead in Gaza alone A) is way disproportionate to what happened in October B) obviously includes more than just terrorists.

If you think everyone who opposes Bibi loves Hamas you're not being candid.

At least you acknowledge the past 100+ years of Zionism is colonialism. And look around you, there are Jewish people in the world who don't and have never supported Zionism, including back in the 19th century when this bright idea was formulated.

Now it's a never-ending cycle of perpetual martyrdom / victimhood by Israelis who will never acknowledge the fact that they just came along and pushed people aside and said "deal with it, we're going to make a new state here, and eventually we'll be taking your homes and claiming territorites in neighboring states too, and btw, f*ck your feelings". Everything that has been happening in the Levant for decades now, which Israelis use a pretext to renew their victimhood, is a direct response to the settler project that's been displacing people for over a century. In other words, the victimhood narrative (predating Hitler's rise to power, no less), is utter BS, which many people see right through, including Jews who are not Zionists, nor Israelis.

How convenient is it to keep whining about what Hamas or whoever else did to you this week, this month, this year, this decade, while you conveniently leave out how all this started, in the 19th century. Let's be real. Let's stop being like the wife-beating husband who insists his wife "made him do it".
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Out of everybody on this list you've provided? Netanyahu.
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