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Biden Builds Sandcastle To Honor Murdered American Hostage

President Biden briefly got up from his beach chair this morning to build a little sandcastle in honor of the American hostage brutally executed by Hamas after almost a year in captivity.

"I did everything I could while sitting in a beach chair to bring him home," sighed Biden as he built a tower. "If only there was something more we could have done. Well, there was -- but something that wouldn't have hurt our polling in Minnesota."

After spending forty percent of his Presidency on vacation, Biden felt it fitting that he was sitting on the beach when he got the call. "Let me assure Americans — this administration worked tirelessly, at least sixty percent of the time, to bring our hostages home," said Biden. "While we may have failed, we did spend $320 million on a pier to send supplies to the terrorists who were holding our hostages. Oh, and then the pier sank. That took a lot of hard work! So, yeah — we tried."

The details of the gruesome torture and execution of an American citizen after being held hostage for so long left citizens wondering why the administration did not do more to negotiate his release or attempt a rescue operation. "I mean, it just seems like the message we're sending is if terrorists kidnap an American, we will pay the terrorists tens of millions of dollars and then you can just shoot the hostage," said local man Carl Gimble. "That, uh, seems like the wrong message."

At publishing time, President Biden had finished his sandcastle and had begun a moment of silence, scheduled to last until whenever his nap ended.
This is why the Right can't do satire. Satire is about mocking the absurdities of real life. Conservatives don't live in real life.

Biden has blindly supported Israel, even funding the Israeli government as they do a genocide against the Palestinians. Good satire would mock Biden for this. I remember the Onion had a headline a while ago that was something like, "President Obama takes off his Nobel Peace Prize while launching drone strikes on children." That's good satire because it's mocking the absurdity of Obama winning a peace prize while killing so many innocent people with the drone program.

But the Right lives in this alternate reality where Biden has totally abandoned Israel, funded Hamas, and now the Israelis are the ones getting murdered in mass numbers. They're trying to make fun of something that hasn't happened, which is bad satire.
@sunsporter1649 My dude, watch Lady Ballers or Mr. Birchum. They're super boring.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe [media=]
@sunsporter1649 Perfect example. This is super cringe. Now compare this to satire which is pretty much the same concept, but made by left-leaning writers and actors.


Richard65 · M
Here's Trump's latest campaign photo opportunity at Arlington National Cemetery. "Big smile for the camera...and maybe a thumbs-up to show how well I'm doing!"
And is that the devil's horns hand symbol she's displaying...?

@sunsporter1649 Even that was true, most people don't know that's illegal. Trump did know, because he was told. That's why one of his goons assaulted that person who works there.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe And while you are at it, arrest all the members of the news media that were there filming and photographing the ceremonies
@sunsporter1649 True! They should also be arrested for that. There's no way they were allowed to be there without being told political photo ops are illegal there.
looking4snoopysgirl · 56-60, M
I suppose 40% vacation is better than 60% cheating on a golf course
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@looking4snoopysgirl i disagree. Competence is more important than feelings
looking4snoopysgirl · 56-60, M
But when both are so very obviously lacking ..... sigh@MasterLee
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@looking4snoopysgirl which is why biden got the boot
Illyria · M
I love the fact that you have essentially given up :) About time!😎
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
They got that journalist Evan what’s his name outta Russia quicker than they got Britney griner out. The kid was accused of spying.
JSul3 · 70-79
Hey 'sport'
What did Trump build to honor those that died in Afghanistan under his watch?

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