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Raise your hand if you want to live in a brand new city, in the middle of the California desert. Homes will start at just $1 million each.

Photo Above - Reader Challenge: see if you can find Disney's latest planned community on this map. Hint . . . it's in the middle of the desert, 120 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Don't get distracted by the prominent earthquake fault lines.

I blame myself for this. Disney is building a “desert oasis” of 2,000 homes. They must have heard there’s a housing crisis. But these homes will start at over $1 million each. The nicer ones around $2+ million. . . . See link below.

I guess Disney missed the part about AFFORDABLE housing crisis. You'd need a $400,000 annual income to buy a $1 million house. And you need 20% down ($200,000). Gen Z kids will be so disappointed.

Where will this magic kingdom be built? 120 miles inland from Los Angeles. In the desert, where the annual rainfall is 5 inches per year. In the vicinity of Ranch Mirage, and the Coachella Burning Man steam punk/apocalypse partiers.

If you asked me where to build 2,000 ultra ritzy million-dollar homes, it wouldn’t be in the middle of the effing desert. A desolate patch of sand more than two hours from LA and Hollywood, and far from the kind of jobs which could generate the cash flow such an expensive house. I don’t know what people do for a living in Rancho Mirage. Maybe they're all retirees. But why would they move to California, where taxes are so insanely high, if they're on fixed incomes?

In addition to the housing crisis, I've been carping about how AI and Bitcoin mining are gobbling up all of America’s electricity. We’re running out kilowatts in places like California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona. How much juice will it take to air condition these 2,000 Disney Desert homes? How much water will they need? The Colorado River is already 200% spoken for, by Angelinos and farmers. Are we going to start running out of almonds and arugula?

Don’t get me started on earthquake fault lines in the vicinity. Evidently there’s a major one about 10 miles from Rancho Mirage. But since all these million-dollar homes will be single story, not high rises, they probably won’t topple over due to ordinary, garden variety tremors.

Again, I apologize for mentioning the housing crisis in this forum over and over this year. If I triggered Disney's plot to get rich(er) by building million-dollar homes in the middle of the desert, I’m truly sorry. But I think Disney’s plans have been in the works for quite some time. The houses are nearly ready, and the first 300 families are supposed to start moving in next year.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

Disney's New California Desert City Starts Taking Shape (
beckyromero · 36-40, F
According to Data USA in 2022, Rancho Mirage's average household income is $105,557.

The median age is 64.9 years and 79.3% of the population is white.

The median property value was $690,100 and the homeownership rate was 81.3%.


The population of Rancho Mirage in 2016 was 18,170.


The voting precincts and the presidential election vote in 2016 for Rancho Mirage were:

Hillary won the state over Trump, 62% to 32%.

There are 36 K-12 schools in Rancho Mirage.

But there are 17 golf courses in Rancho Mirage - and another 83 within 20 miles.

I'd say it's a pretty good guess that the developers are looking for people who do not need government assistance with a downpayment but rather people who are cashing in on a home elsewhere in the state (or another state) and moving to a community that is primarily white, more conservative that California as a whole and where they won't have any trouble find a golf course for their leisure time (or at least until the temps hit 90+ by late morning), with lots of sunshine throughout the year.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@beckyromero thanks for your data. I conclude that

half of the residents are retirees.

with homes costing 6X as much as their income, they are benefitting from extraordinary home inflation.

i still don't see Disney striking gold with their $1-$2 million desert mcmansions.
I would rather live in a hut in the woods.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@UnderLockDown lots of people tried that in rural california. then they realized there are no fire departments around when the brushfires come.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Sounds like a good deal. Fault lines aren’t a reason not to build a house. You just build houses that are designed to withstand earthquakes. Japan gets far more earthquakes than the US and it doesn’t stop people from living there.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@justanothername and then there was fukushima . . .
justanothername · 51-55, M
@SusanInFlorida Projecting much?

I live in a country that straddles the pacific rim fault line. We get earthquakes of different sizes regularly, in fact far more regularly than anywhere in the US.. We also build houses and commercial buildings constantly to support a growing population.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Kamala and her $25k won't go very far
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Disney may be marketing those as third or fourth homes. Certainly no one would choose that place for their primary residence.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Crazywaterspring I renew my call for congress to suspend the income tax mortgage deduction for 2nd homes and yachts.
UndeadSona · F
Why would I want to pay to suffer through an endless drought?
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@UndeadSona some people hate shoveling snow
UndeadSona · F
@SusanInFlorida I haven't shoveled snow in 10 years ngl.
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SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Gibbon smart people don't devote their free time to driving corporations into bankruptcy. maybe they go to the library instead?
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SusanInFlorida Which they could do instead of investing in a woke property. There is no time devoted just awareness.

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