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Why Is Trump Spending Money on an Ad Blitz in . . . FLORIDA?

His staffers are coming up with the lame excuse that Trump will be angry at them if he doesn't see his own ads running when he's at Mar-a-Lago.

Really? They think their boss is THAT stupid?

The truth is likely to be closer to this:

Trump got spooked by polls that showed Florida within the margin of error and with Kamala Harris continuing to gain momentum, he's afraid there's an outside chance that Florida could flip in November. And if that happens, it's game over.

On election night, watch Florida. The state does count its ballots fairly quickly. Pennsylvania is slow to count and it will be the urban areas of Philly and Pittsburgh that will come in towards the end.

The longer that the networks take to call Florida, the better the news for Harris. Because if Florida is razor thin, she'll likely win both Georgia and North Carolina (which is less conservative than it was in 2016).

In 2016, AP called...
10:40 pm ET - Hillary - Virginia
10:50 pm ET - Trump - Florida
11:11 pm ET - Trump - North Carolina
11:33 pm ET - Trump - Georgia
12:20 am ET - Hillary - Nevada
01:35 am ET - Trump - Pennsylvania
01:56 am ET - Hillary - Maine (3-1)
02:01 am ET - Trump - Nebraska
02:20 am ET - Trump - Wisconsin
02:20 am ET - Trump - election called
Arizona and Michigan were still too close to call

Due to COVID strong in 2020, one shouldn't compare "call" times with 2016.

In 2012, AP called...
08:28 pm ET - Romney - Georgia
09:02 pm ET - Romney - Nebraska
09:06 pm ET - Obama - Michigan
09:48 pm ET - Obama - Pennsylvania
10:28 pm ET - Obama - Maine (all)
10:36 pm ET - Romney - Arizona
10:44 pm ET - Romney - Nebraska (all)
10:53 pm ET - Romney - North Carolina
11:38 pm ET - Obama - election called
11:47 pm ET - Obama - Wisconsin
11:54 pm ET - Obama - Nevada
00:37 am ET - Obama - Virginia
Florida was still too close to call
You are correct. Trump's internal polling must be telling him that Florida's in play. If he starts advertising in Texas, we'll know he's in real trouble. Having to expend resources in Florida takes away from Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and other swing states.

There's more to a campaign than just advertising. A ground game costs money, but that may be the most important factor, as it includes registering new voters and making sure deficient ballots are cured.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Trump's 4.9 point lead in latest Texas poll is less than his 5.6 point victory over Biden.

Cruz lead in Senate polls down to 2 points and the GOP purchased an ad blitz this week to try to shore him up.

Having to expend resources in Florida takes away from Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and other swing states.


And, yes, the ground game will be crucial. And the Harris campaign is getting tens of thousands of volunteers to help GOTV, election monitors, etc.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔...........yep, the day of the 2016 electron, I walked into the conference room at work in the mid-morning and the Florida Election voting updates were live on the TV. One coworker was watching it. I watched it for a few minutes. Trump was ahead in Florida. I just had this gut feeling and thinking to myself, Trumps going to Win Florida, which means he'll win the election......I was going to tell my coworker that, since he had a B.A. in Political Science, but just kept my thoughts to myself..... I wish I had, because I wanted his view point on that since he had studied politics and was watching the election very closely........And I was right, I had called Trump the winner after just winning one state, Florida..........
Illyria · M
TBF it’s only in Miami-dade where the polls are close. Overall, trump is 5 points ahead in Florida
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Miami-Dade is about 1/10th of the state's population.

Hillary won the county by nearly 300,000 votes but lost the state by 113,000.*

Biden won the county by only 100,000.

Trump's margin of victory in 2020 in the state was about 370,000.

If Harris can duplicate what Hillary did in Miami-Dade, she has an outshot chance to win the state. At the very least, it will cause the Trump campaign to pour millions of dollars that won't be able to be spent in critical battleground states.

The abortion measure on the ballot is the wild card that could swing Florida and the whole election to Harris.

* figures roughly rounded
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