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The Biden-Trump Debate on CNN That You DIDN'T See...

Vice President Harris and Gov. Tim Walz are going to sit down for an interview with CNN's Dana Bash tomorrow night.

After the way Jake Tapper & Dana Bash treated the President in the debate with Trump, I'd have steared clear of them.

Here's the debate you saw and the one you SHOULD have seen.

Look at these questions.

First Question to President Biden:

President Biden, inflation has slowed, but prices remain high. Since you took office, the price of essentials has increased. For example, a basket of groceries that cost $100 then, now costs more than $12; and typical home prices have jumped more than 30 percent.

What do you say to voters who feel they are worse off under your presidency than they were under President Trump?

First Question to Donald Trump:

You want to impose a 10 percent tariff on all goods coming into the U.S. How will you ensure that that doesn’t drive prices even higher?

As Lawrence O'Donnell has propose asking Donald Trump

"What exactly is a tarriff and who pays for it?"


This is the first presidential election since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. This morning, the court ruled on yet another abortion case, temporarily allowing emergency abortions to continue in Idaho despite that state’s restrictive ban.

Former President Trump, you take credit for the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which returned the issue of abortion to the states.

TRUMP: Correct.

[quote]However, the federal government still plays a role in whether or not women have access to abortion pills. They’re used in about two-thirds of all abortions.

As president, would you block abortion medication?



Let’s turn now to the issue of immigration and border security.

President Biden, a record number of migrants have illegally crossed the southern border on your watch, overwhelming border states and overburdening cities such as New York and Chicago, and in some cases causing real safety and security concerns. Given that, why should voters trust you to solve this crisis?


President Trump?

Why not ask Trump why he strong-armed Republicans into vetoing a bi-partisan boder/immigration deal because, if passed, it would hurt his campaign prospects?



President Trump, staying on the topic of immigration, you’ve said that you’re going to carry out, quote, “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” unquote. Does that mean that you will deport every undocumented immigrant in America, including those who have jobs, including those whose spouses are citizens, and including those who have lived here for decades? And if so, how will you do it?

Why not, instead of "how" ask,

"What would such an operation cost and will you raise taxes to pay for it?"

And a follow-up...

"You've said you want to use the U.S. military to carry out the operation. Won't that take them away from their primary duties, including fighting international terrorism? And if they can be pulled away from those duties, what would you say to Americans if there is a major terrorist attack in this country while you have the military rounding up peaceful civilians?"



Let’s move to the topic of foreign policy. I want to begin with Russia’s war against Ukraine, which is now in its third year.

Former President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin says he’ll only end this war if Russia keeps the Ukrainian territory it has already claimed and Ukraine abandons its bid to join NATO.

Are Putin’s terms acceptable to you?

Why not ask him...

"You said that if any NATO country doesn’t meet spending guidelines on defense that, referring to Russia and Vladimir Putin you said, and I quote, "I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want," unquote.

"Does this mean that it would be acceptable to you for Russia to invade Canada or Greenland and establish military bases there? Or seize Gibraltar or the Dardanelles Strait?

"If Russia would to invade the Baltic States, as they did in World War II, and reassume control over the Baltic Sea, won't that make defending our other NATO allies, such as Poland and Germany and new NATO members Sweden and Finland, even more difficult?"

(and how about a follow-up):

"To follow up, Mr. Trump you've hinted at pulling the United States out of NATO altogether? That would bring us back to December 1941 when the U.S. had no allies and the result was Pearl Harbor and the Eastern seaboard lite up at night from U.S. merchant vessels ablaze from Nazi U-boat attacks.

"Is that your idea of keeping America safe?"


TAPPER: Let’s turn to the issue of democracy. Former President Trump, I want to ask you about January 6, 2021.
After you rallied your supporters that day, some of them stormed the Capitol to stop the constitutionally mandated counting of electoral votes. As president, you swore an oath to, quote, “preserve, protect and defend,” unquote, the Constitution. What do you say to voters who believe that you violated that oath through your actions and inaction on January 6th and worry that you’ll do it again?

Why not ask him?

"You said you were going to go with your supporters to the Capitol that day but have since said that your security detail wouldn't let you.

"Had you gone to the Capitol and successfully stopped the Electoral College vote count, how would that have been any different than Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini's "March on Rome" in 1922 when he seized power, in this case the result being for you to remain in power?"


President Biden, while black unemployment dropped to a record low under your presidency, black families still earn far less than white families.

Black mothers are still three times more likely to die from pregnancy related causes. And black Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white Americans. What do you say to black voters who are disappointed that you haven’t made more progress?

Why not ask Donald Trump a revised question on that topic:

"Mr. Trump, although black unemployment dropped to a record low under your opponent's presidency, black families still earn far less than white families.

"Black adults with lower incomes were far more likely to be denied credit or approved for less than requested than their white counterparts in 2022. Fifty-eight percent of Black adults with a family income of less than $50,000 who applied for credit in the prior 12 months were denied or approved for less than requested, compared with only 39% of white adults in the same income group.

"Would you support and sign legislation mandating full transparency in how the major credit reporting unions calculate credit scores so that any individual would be able to see what caused a drop in their score or how to improve it?"


Another persistent challenge is the climate crisis. 2023 was the hottest year in recorded history, and communities across the country are confronting the devastating effects of extreme heat, intensifying wildfires, stronger hurricanes, and rising sea levels.

Former President Trump, you’ve vowed to end your opponent’s climate initiatives. But, will you take any action as President to slow the climate crisis?

How about revising that to ask...

"You’ve vowed to end your opponent’s climate initiatives. But, will you take any action as President to slow the climate crisis, other than proposing to drop nuclear weapons on hurricanes or magically move their course with a Sharpie on a map?"

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beckyromero · 36-40, F

Too many media personalities are more interested in making news from questions they asked instead of reporting on the news.

Remember Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson with Sarah Palin?

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