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DNC is already getting violent


Police and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clash at DNC headquarters
U.S. Capitol Police said about 150 people were illegally and violently protesting outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington.
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
WOW!!! 150 people you say? You could half way fill a movie theater with all those people.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MoveAlong Yes, I'm sure they will need more than 150 guardsmen before the week
is over. Unless they decide to allow looting and burning.
I bet they won't be hunted down, arrested, and sentenced to prison terms.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

(Sigh) And yet, she was the spearhead of a violent mob crashing through the windows to the chamber of the House of Representatives with the goal of kidnapping and assasinating the lawmakers within to subvert the democratic process in order to prevent them from certifying the electoral victory of the winning candidate in a fair and legitimate presidential election so that a prearranged slate of false electors could be substituted in order to keep the losing candidate in office beyond the length of his term. She refused to follow multiple directives to stop breaching the window, and was met with the appropriate level of force to neutralize the threat she represented to the lawmakers the Capitol police were assigned to safeguard.

Go peddle your false equivalencies somewhere else.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Subverting the democratic process often takes the form of intimidation all the way to outright assault and murder by those who don't beleive in "one man, one vote", or that the votes of others matter less than theirs. With that being stated:

This says she was part of a violent mob.:


(With a photo containing the headlines, since I know you won't click the link)

[image - please log in to see this image]

This is specifically why they broke into both congressional chambers. They weren't there as tourists. They were there to disrupt the counting of the electoral vote. Logs from Parler handed over to the DOJ by Amazon after Amazon deplatformed Parler confirm it, as did the access to other transmissions over Reich-Wing messaging platforms, confirmed by sworn testimony of direct participants in the insurrection.

Yours is the narrative that's bullsh*t, done to excuse the behavior of a person whose clear goal in breaking through the window wasn't to sightsee or take pictures; nor was she just "caught up in the moment". She was at the forefront of a violent mob clearly bent on doing harm to the lives of the lawmakers the Capitol Police were sworn to safeguard. She ignored multiple directives to stand down. And yet here you are, bleating like a spoonfed Reich-Wing sheeple that she was "murdered" and "innocent".

You said:

What would happen if a white cop killed a black Democrat woman that was breaking into
a business? The cop would be brought up on charges.

More false equivalency. Peddle it on Gab or /r/Conservative or wherever you Reich-Wingers congregate to swap distorted facts, baseless accusations, outright fabrications, or wholesale conspiracy theories. You won't find a receptive audience here.

[image - please log in to see this image]
DogMan · 61-69, M
Chaos erupts at Kamala Harris NYC event as DNC braces for Chicago unrest
Loud anti-Israel mob clashed with police, damaged restaurant after pro-Harris event.

Mostly peaceful, except when they are not.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Actually, so far Chicago PD has done a decent job in handling the screwballs that have come to protest and cause trouble. A few minor issues, but nothing like I was expecting. Granted, its not over yet, but they appear to have a good approach and LOTS of bodies in place. They have support from other cities/states and the Illinois National Guard.

I am hoping some of the people who have invested $$$ to protect their businesses from radical leftists will in some way be able to recuperate the money they spent.
@carpediem Where were they in 2020? The “peaceful” protests.
Sort of like the dirtbag biden…not much on a border wall but has one
being or already constructed around one of his Delaware residences. Typical democrats
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Nothing to see here folks. Just liberals letting off steam. If your business is burned to the ground, just know it went for a good cause to usher in antisemitism and communism.
as the sun goes down in Chicago.. team Soros gets antsy. and burnie, and lootie... then riotie... 🍿

they wont be able to contain themselves for a full week.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@luckranger71 oh no's.. did Vin just give away his alter ego?...

shame shame. i know your name
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Nope s—tbird. I’m not as original and stole it from from someone on here. Again, there are degrees of originality and you’re at the bottom.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Aww. I hear they had pallets of bricks delivered.
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