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People say Britain is a tolerant country as if that's a positive... It's not. Being tolerant means you're tolerating something you don't like.

NerdyPotato · M Best Comment
His clarification to my comment deserves more attention. His point wasn't that tolerance is worse than intolerance, but rather that tolerance isn't as good as acceptance, and that settling for tolerance rather than striving for acceptance isn't something to be as proud of as most people seem to be. That may be nitpicking on semantics, but comments here paint him as being against any kind of caring, and from what I understood after a little more interaction, that seems to be closer to the opposite of his point than the truth of it.
@Illyria you're welcome, and thank you for the best comment. I thought it was only fair, considering I misunderstood your main post and replies to some others at first. I knew you well enough to know it had to be more complex and you worded it much better in reply to me. Everyone else should read that for their main takeaway.
Illyria · M
@NerdyPotato I appreciate that. I often post quickly and without due thought if I want to say something now :D
@NerdyPotato I had a feeling that he was aiming more at the fact that people should be accepting of each other - especially after 14 years of hate already... and now we have the riots and even more hate for the disabled from the new government.

MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
What we mean is that we tolerate others whose lifestyle differs from our own. We still don't tolerate thuggish behaviour, nobody should.
It's all a crock of 💩

If we were a "tolerant" country - why is it so easy to divide and conquer??? We've seen enough hate over the last 14 years, with the Tories and "Stop the boats" and the Rwanda plan.

The part that's been easier to hide because the media won't talk about it as much is that they've been targeting the disabled, too. The idea that you need to work, even if your doctor says you're unfit, the voucher scheme, the suggestion that disabled people only spend their money on "one off things like a walking stick" - the fact that disabled people are being accused of taking a disabled parking space that they're not entitled to by members of the public who demand to see their blue badge (you are not entitled to see that, btw).

I haven't even started on the problems faced by black people in Britain yet.

Proud to be British??? Absolutely not!!! My country turned its back on me decades ago when they forced me to provide unpaid care for a disabled person right up until Covid19 hit. Now I fucked my body and health up, they want me to work for Amazon picking and packing orders when I can't even do the weekly grocery shop anymore and have to use an app to get it delivered to me.

Where's the tolerance for its own people???
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I tolerate the right of others to hold different views to my own, to worship as they please, to bring up their children as they best see fit. Simply because I prioritise one opinion over another does not mean I don't like something or give it no value. Toleration for me is positive. But I will not tolerate opinions or behaviour that harm others or prey on the most vulnerable in society. Toleration has its limits.
Askeladd · 31-35, M
You have very faulty logic.
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@Askeladd I'll also be racist with him, then, because you shouldn't be out there terrifying the public - no matter if you're black, white, orange or purple.

There is an alternative to being tolerant and intolerant, you could, maybe... accept people for who they are, regardless of how different to you they are.

However, seeing that you are the first one to resort to derogatory insults, I think you've already shown yourself to be incapable of that.
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MartinII · 70-79, M
It's an interesting thought. I have tended to take the view that tolerance, though a virtue, is an overrated one, and that some kinds of behaviour ought not to be tolerated. On the other hand, we surely all see things every day which we don't particularly like, but nevertheless put up with. It would be a very disputatious society if we didn't. And surely we should tolerate opinions we don't like, even if we don't tolerate actions. In that respect, I think Britain has become a less tolerant country than it was when I was younger.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Illyria That seems to me quite wrong. In the example you describe, surely tolerating something one doesn't like is far preferable to not tolerating it. And what on earth is the relevance of your wife's nationality?
Illyria · M
And what on earth is the relevance of your wife's nationality?
I've already been called a racist, with no evidence. I thought you were on the verge of calling me a racist too.

To be honest, I'm not sure what sort of society we can call ourselves, but tolerant isn't it. Tolerance simply says you resent people for whatever reason, but you have to put up with them.

The disgusting scenes we've seen across the UK this weekend, based entirely on a piece of misinformation, subtly promoted by Nigel Farage, shows that we are not even close to being a tolerant society, even in the strictest sense of the word.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Illyria I certainly wouldn't call you, or think you, a racist. But it's a mistake to think that the weekend violence was based solely on misinformation about the Southport murderer. Yes, that triggered the riots and was exploited by right-wing activists. But there is also a legitimate underlying concern about Islamist influence and double standards in policing. The authorities have gleefully described the riots as being led by the far right, and that seems to have been an accurate description. But when did we last hear of a demonstration led by the far left, even though such demonstrations happen every Saturday in London?
SteelHands · 61-69, M
No it doesn't simply taking the only gem out of the sand in the otherwise clean vasoline means not being bothered by the fact that the world has flaws and flawed people in it. That nobody hates them for what they do in private.

Even those most common of the flawed people aren't required to grant normality to the few and scant vile and evil behaviors of clown world where no standards of conduct exist and a tiny faction of society wants to parade prokote and protect their degenerative disgusting conduct that the vast majority don't want their children to be corrupted by.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Oh yeah the country currently being overtaken by race riots. Yeah super tolerant.
Illyria · M
@CountScrofula The country is FAR from being taken over by race riots. Nevertheless, being proud of being a TOLERANT country in the strict sense of the word is not a good thing.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Illyria Sure I'll take accepting over tolerance.

But uh, I'll leave this here?

Illyria · M
@CountScrofula Most of the current problems seem to be centred around the general area of the stabbing (except Belfast).
I can see how tolerating something you really don't like is a bit of a sacrifice, but in return, every aspect of you gets tolerated by others too. And how many things do you really dislike anyway? And how many of those actually affect you?
Illyria · M
I noticed you replied to almost every other comment, but not this one.
I missed this comment, sorry.

I just don't like the idea of people claiming we are a tolerant country on the grounds of race and ethnicity.

Of course, tolerance is more relevant when you're talking about people's political views.

But claiming we are a tolerant country because of our multi-ethnic society is not a good thing. That says to me that I don't like you because you're not white. But I tolerate you.
@Illyria ah, you wish your country was more truly accepting rather than just tolerant? That makes a lot of sense.
Illyria · M
@NerdyPotato I guess so. It's the word "tolerant" that perhaps people misuse, particularly with regard to race.
The state of the country right now is so disheartening. It's been a while since I've feel like this much of a stranger to my own home.
Illyria · M
@HijabaDabbaDoo I'm so sorry. I've had to apologise to friends of mine over the years on behalf of the vast majority of people in my country :(
Cierzo · M
The disgusting leftist violent rhetoric displayed once again in this post. Tolerance only with those I agree with.
You mean the Islam state 🙄 as per
JD Vance
Being tolerant of someone who is different.
Aami1 · 26-30, F
Its also cowardly. 'my values are I have no values'.
BeepBeep · F
Since you put it that way
MethDozer · M
Reading your logic here. You're conclusion is faulty.
Illyria · M
@MethDozer I do not. That says to me, "I don't actually like you."
MethDozer · M
@Illyria Nobody has to like anyone. Asking anyone to like everyone is kinda ridiculous. Yet we should be able to tolerate each other if we aren't causing any harm to each other.
Illyria · M
@MethDozer Then we should stop believing that we are not a racist country if we have to "tolerate" people because of the colour of their skin.

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