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REPORTER TO BIDEN: "Trump said he could've gotten the hostages out without giving anything in exchange. What do you say to him?

BIDEN: "Why didn't he do it when he was president?"

literal mic drop. "OH THAT'S GOTTA HURT!"

Biden still has the brains and intelligence to be POTUS. Just with his age, he doesn't have he physical ability to do the campaigning. These last few months will be Republicans' biggest nightmare. A Joe Biden with immunity who doesn't give a shit about anything except getting things done and cementing his legacy and stymieing a fascist tyrant wanna be opponent.
Northwest · M

The real issue, is that he might have "frozen" at any point, which he did multiple times. He will retire with his legacy intact. Thank you President Biden.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
I think he was brutally honest when he said he needs to avoid late night debates/speeches and get more sleep. Younger people can compensate. 80 year olds can't.

What gets me are the people that say this was orchestrated by the Democrats all along. That conspiracy makes no sense.
@trollslayer says
What gets me are the people that say this was orchestrated by the Democrats all along. That conspiracy makes no sense.
But the GiAnTt CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy NuTs have lost the power of logic, so it's fun to tease them. Fun to pretend Biden waved a big 'elderly' flag in front of their bull, got the bull to charge headlong, and then deftly stepped out of the way.

Dark Brandon Pwns them again!!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You know that was a setup right? They worked that out ahead of time.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Vin53 You haven't once bothered to try to understand what I said and have only responded with strawman replies and ad hominem nonsense.

I'm not blocking you. Your ignorance is entirely too entertaining to let go of.
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Vin53 Keep telling yourself that Vinny. 😘
@Vin53 whoever you're arguing with has blocked me. Who is it? 😁
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@Vin53 Ah yes, of course. SimilarWorlds most famous "independent" 😂 (and you can tell him I said that).
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Vin53 I don't even remember why he blocked me now. All I remember is he would call me all kinds of disgusting names and then get surprised when I got upset.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'm now dedicating this song to him. Please ignore the intro this person felt the need to add to the song.

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