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Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump, and he alone, will fix it...

1. He said he would build a wall coast-to-coast that would end illegal immigration. He didn't.
2. He said he would eliminate the nuclear threat from North Korea. He didn't (but he did fall in love with Kim Jung Un, by his own confession).
3. He said he would prevent COVID from entering the USA. He didn't.
4. He said he would get gas prices below $2.00. He did... but he had to shut down the entire economy to achieve it.
5. He said if Biden was elected, the stock market would tank, the suburbs would be eliminated, and there would be World War 3. None of t those things happened.

6. If elected, he says he will eliminate inflation in one day.
7. If elected, he says he will eliminate taxes.
8. If elected, he says he will mass deport every illegal person in the USA (NOTE: This would require tax money to do).
9. If elected, he says he will eliminate environmental protection regulations and ensure the USA has the cleanest water and air.
10. If elected, he says he will get Americans released from Russian prison before he takes office (but only if elected).
11. If elected, he says he will create a better, bigger, more beautiful, and less expensive health care program.
12. If elected, he says he will finish the wall he claimed he already built that hasn't stopped illegal immigration.
13. If elected, he says there will be no wars anywhere in the world.
14. If elected, he says he will give all police officers immunity from their actions, but if he feels their actions are wrong, he will prosecute them despite their immunity.
15. If elected, he says he will build an "iron dome" over the continental USA (NOTE: This would require tax money to do).
16. If elected, he says he will lower the price of gasoline (remember how he did it the last time).

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