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Universal basic income doesn’t work? Who would have guessed THIS?

Photo above - found on the 'net; disclaimer: Dave Chappelle is not a crackhead, and apparently has no position on UBI.

Darn those University professors. They can’t even get the simplest things right. They were hired to prove that Universal Basic Income makes people healthy, wealthy(ish), and wise. In fact, after a 3 year study, they were shocked (shocked, tell you) to discover the opposite. Test subjects worked less. They spent their newfound free time pursing “leisure” activities. Presumably that means television, internet, and gaming? See link below.

The study was funded a by non-profit, and inspired by 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who promised to roll UBI out nationwide if he made it to the White House. University researchers gave lots of people in places like Illinois and Texas $1,000 a month in UBI. And then kept track of what happened.

Nothing good, clearly. They didn’t go back to school. They didn’t use their windfalls to start small businesses. Don’t laugh – this was one of the premises leading to the study. That minimum wage slaves are brimming with capitalist ambition and skills.

Andrew Yang never came close to snaring the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination. As a business mogul himself, you’d think he’d have known better. You can excuse career politicians for stepping into quicksand like this. They have generally never worked a day in their lives, and credit their good fortune to other people's money (campaign contributions).

However, a number of other 2020 candidates saluted UBI. One of them was Kamala Harris, who is now the 2024 presumptive nominee for the Democrats. Yesterday she announced Biden’s proposed 2024 tax increases weren’t high enough, and she was going to impose more. Heads up. She’s NOT a trained economist. If you are confused on this point, lets see if anyone can get her talking again about UBI, in addition to taking a bigger tax bite out of workers’ paychecks.

I don’t want to see Kamala lose the election to Trump necessarily. Perhaps it would be sufficient if she would back down from her pie in the sky dreams of more taxes, more spending, UBI, and open borders for everyone. There’s not enough money on planet earth for all the stuff she’s promising to get elected.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~Bad News for Universal Basic Income (
eMortal · M
No one is foolish enough to believe that universal basic income would work. Consumer goods would just go up in price, absorbing any pay bump the low class had.
Universal Basic Income can't work without any price control mechanism. We need to stop greedy sellers/businesses from raising their prices out of nowhere.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@eMortal Consumer goods went up in price anyway.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I can't view the link, but I wonder if the coincidence of the study with a period in which the Federal government was distributing similar large amounts of cash to all households may have impacted the results?

UBI has been trialled in many different societies with a variety of outcomes. Generally speaking it is least effective in countries with weaker social structures.
And I have seen MLM selling essential oils on Facebook with better studies backing them up.
So it doesn't work because a country that has never tried it says "trust me bro."

Got it.

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