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Harris's baggage

Let me count the ways:

1. She is sorta African American.
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's pick to be the Democratic Party's vice-presidential nominee, is the daughter of an Indian immigrant mother and a Jamaican immigrant father. Her father, as I understand it, has ancestors of both European and African origin

2. She certainly put a lot of black in prison.
Under both Republicans and Democrats — including Kamala Harris, who became a prosecutor in 1990 — a tough-on-crime political culture flourished in California, and African Americans were hit hardest: Their incarceration rate remains more than five times their share of California’s population.

The crackdown on crime swept most of the country, but California stood out as one of the most aggressive states. Only recently has it begun shedding its lock-’em-up mind-set.
In the 2020 presidential race, the disproportionate imprisonment of African American men has become a major issue, and it’s posing an especially big challenge for Harris, California’s first black U.S. senator. She is counting on strong support from African Americans. But many black voters are wary of her 27 years as a prosecutor enforcing laws that sent African Americans to prison.

3. She proposed bail relief for terrorists.
"She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail," he said. "We're not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we're talking about violent criminals."
Gamaldi said bail reform has not worked in "any urban community."

"It is what has led to 16 American cities experiencing the highest murder rate in recorded history back in 2020-2021," he said. "And we're still living with the fallout of that.

"Over the last three years in the United States, we've averaged over 20,000 homicides a year, and we haven't seen those numbers since the mid 1990s," he said. "And now we're going to have Vice President Harris, who is the presumptive nominee at this point, is going to run on a platform of supporting bail reform after seeing the horrific consequences we've seen in our urban communities."

4. Her job as Border Czar has been a disaster.

[c=BF0000]The House of Representatives voted along bipartisan lines to condemn Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the U.S.' southern border, the first piece of legislation targeting Harris since she became the Democrats' presumptive 2024 nominee.

Six Democrats joined all Republicans in voting for the measure, which passed 220-196.

The House Democrats who voted for the resolution are Reps. Jared Golden, D-Maine; Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash.; Mary Peltola, D-Alaska; Henry Cuellar, D-Texas; Don Davis, D-N.C.; and Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo.
For years, Republicans have accused Harris of failing her job as "border czar" after President Biden handed her the task of mitigating the "root causes" of illegal immigration in 2021.

It's quickly becoming the cornerstone of GOP-led attacks against Harris as she gears up for an expected head-to-head race with former President Trump. But the six moderate Democrats who voted to condemn Harris amount to a scathing rebuke of their party's likely presidential candidate — despite dozens of left-wing lawmakers rushing to endorse her.

Bottom line, she is up against Trump, the GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

She is going to LOSE in a landslide.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I hope you brought enough of what you are smoking for everyone..😷
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@whowasthatmaskedman No kidding!!
Northwest · M
To recap.

She is the daughter of immigrants, from different backgrounds, joined together through higher education. This not news to anyone. So?

She enforced the law as a prosecutor. And?

The bail system in the US needs to be reformed. While people are presumed innocent, some will spend years and decades behind bars, until the courts finished processing their case, and free them because they're innocent. That's because they cannot afford bail.

Even a day in jail, can turn someone into a criminal, and subject them to violence and rape.

The real question is: why isn't this a national issue?

Meanwhile, https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2021/?page=overall shows that Trump is 4th from the bottom, right above Franklin Pierce, who set the stage for the civil war.

Capitalization does not make it true.
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
You lost me at the bit about her ethnicity being baggage.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
scared aren't you?
@WalksWith oh...terrified 😵‍💫🫨🤣

Y'all told us DeSantis would destroy Trump in the primaries...he was out after one state.

Y'all told us Nikki Haley would walk away with the GOP nomination...she only mustered democrat crossover votes.

Y'all told us Biden would mop the floor with Trump in the debate, and win the 2024 election easily. But Joe was such an embarrassment, the democrat elites couldn't replace him fast enough.

And now you're running your mouth about us being scared of Coup-mala? 🤣🤣🤣

Did y'all forget that libs are so scared of Trump, the gov't just tried to assassinate him?
WalksWith · 56-60, F

No. I never once said anything about desantis or haley. I have ALWAYS been for the Democratic Party. I would never say anything nice about either of those two.

Also, this is the first time YOU have ever commented on a post of mine, and it is to tell me you're not scared. Well...that's kinda a red flag, dude...just so you know.
@WalksWith I didn't say that you did. Y'all is plural and refers to multiple people who share your political leaning. And yeah, y'all did say that.
Vin53 · M
Vin53 · M
@HootyTheNightOwl Anything under 4 tugs is acceptable.
@Vin53 Only if it's an invite for him...
Vin53 · M
@HootyTheNightOwl An invite for him would high-lite self copulation.
Who put this together? The KKK?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Who put this together? The KKK?

It's just FACTS.

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boudinMan · 61-69, M
and now, of course, the media is trying to say she was never the border czar... it's laughable beyond belief.
JSul3 · 70-79
@boudinMan Not a single WH document states Harris as 'czar' of anything.
So GHWB assigned a 'drug czar.' Fine. When was GHWB POTUS?
This is 2024.

In the info you provided, "the media" latched on to this catchphrase....and the right wing carries the torch.

Harris was given zero authority to author or enforce border policy.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@boudinMan No one expects right wingers to believe anything, just because its true. It has to have been said at least twice on Fox or the Dear Leader has to have texted it out on his Holy Social media site. And you will all dies believing that. In 50 years time behavioural psychologists will be mining these sites and looking for the cause of this social disease afflicting so many Americans, and postulating that maybe fracking had sent toxic hydrocarbons into the water and caused a group madness, much like the lead in the plumbing of ancient Rome..😷
boudinMan · 61-69, M
Illyria · M
Bottom line, she is up against Trump, the GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

She is going to LOSE in a landslide.

That belongs on the cover of the Weekly World News! 😅

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@Illyria the people telling us Harris can win, also told us:

DeSantis would destroy Trump in the primaries...and he was out after one state.

Nikki Haley would walk away with the GOP nomination...and she only mustered democrat crossover votes.

Biden would mop the floor with Trump in the debate, and win the 2024 election easily. But Joe was such an embarrassment, the democrat elites couldn't replace him fast enough.

Ahhh, but Commie Coup-mala is gonna win? 🤣🤣🤣

I'm sure you've already forgotten that the deep state is so scared of Trump, the gov't just tried to assassinate him.
Illyria · M
@BizSuitStacy Prove it.

Plus Kamala will win in November 😊
Illyria · M
She’s just a big mouth leftie and all you posted is true!
trollslayer · 46-50, M
You forgot to include the 14 words.
paulio · M
yes but she snot trump
Da. Is true. Pravda!
JSul3 · 70-79
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WalksWith · 56-60, F

YES!! That was so good, I might need a smoke!
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PatKirby · M
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Vin53 · M
@MrSmooTh Well you could also stop being racist bigots and recognize when you've lost an election fair and square and believe the absolute tripe you're fed.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
@Vin53 You could do the same.
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