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Do yourself a favor: READ Hillbilly Elegy. Or watch the movie.

If EVER there was a rags to riches politician in America it would HAVE to be JD Vance.


Basically, the guy came from a family that was white trash. His single mother dealt with different relationships and drug abuse.
His grandmother wound up raising him most of the time.
(Gee! This sounds a lot like the typical black family in the inner city, if you take the word of Sociology teachers.)

Vance applied himself. Graduated high school. Joined the Marines. and did a stint in Iraq as a combat correspondent.

Came back and attended Ohio State University. Graduated and then attended Yale Law School and graduated.

Went on to win a Senate Seat in 2022 against Tim Ryan.

And it looks like he will be the next Vice President.

Kinda refreshing for a change, not having to listen to another Richie Rich politician like Saddam Hussein Obama, Pedo Joe, GW Bush, JFK, etc.

This guy came up from a broken uneducated family and clawed his way out of the sewer. If EVER there was an American success story, it's JD Vance.

Now we'll wait while the goose steppers here LIE about Senator Vance.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I believe there is another, very different spin on his life. You might want to search a little further.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 In other words, you are lying.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Reason10 not at all, but keep up your nonsense, hopefully, eventually you will get your just rewards.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
my mother is from Jackson, Breathitt Co Ky. what JD says is true. I know first hand.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 I agree that the opiod problem affects people across the board, not just hill trash.

Rush Limbaugh (a WEALTHY and successful businessman, media host and best selling author) was a victim of medical malpractice and became hooked on opiate pain killers. It can happen to anybody.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Reason10 He did graduate from Ohio State. I know this story well because my mom lived there and i suffered the same kind of life. my mom was a decade older than his mom. she had an alcohol and legal prescription problem before the opioid crisis. With time, his mother had that problem. believe me, i have been to Jackson many times. I know this whole story better than anyone
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 Prove it incorrect, or admit you're lying.
There is very little I agree with Vance on but it has nothing to do with his background. Most people don't care.
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Vin53 · M
No thanks, I'm not into couch porn.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow An uneducated blue state third grade dropout like you commenting on not knowing anything about politics or history? Ranks right up there with a hospital janitor lecturing a surgeon on open heart surgery.

I give facts and
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@Reason10 And again memes are not facts.
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Richard65 · M
@Reason10 lol, so you admit Trump's choice as VP isn't as smart as you. Maybe Trump should have chosen you 🤔
Thanks for agreeing Vance isn't too smart. You even threw that dummy Shapiro under the bus too as an extra bonus! Cheers, I really appreciate your honesty (for once) 👍
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