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The TRUTH about JD Vance's statements about LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Yes, all during the Republican convention, the NAZIS at PMSNBC and CNN kept repeating over and over the things JD Vance said about Trump.

And now it's time for the truth.

Vance, a former vocal Trump critic who once labeled his current running mate as "noxious" and a "cynical a**hole," said he doesn’t hide from his changing views on the former president over the past few years.
"I was certainly skeptical of Donald Trump in 2016, but President Trump was a great president, and he changed my mind," the freshman senator said. "I think he changed the minds of a lot of Americans because, again, he delivered that peace and prosperity."

Vance told former CBS anchor Charlie Rose in a 2016 interview that he’s a "‘Never Trump guy.’" "‘I never liked him,’" he told Rose.

"I bought into the media's lies and distortions. I bought into this idea that somehow he was going to be so different, a terrible threat to democracy. It was a joke," Vance responded.

He added that he believes President Biden is the one who’s trying to "undermine" the American rule of law and ultimately thinks Trump did a great job during his presidency.

"I actually think it's a good thing when you see somebody, you were wrong about him, you ought to admit the mistake and admit that you were wrong," he said.

The NAZI media has always LIED about President Trump. JD Vance discovered that, especially when Trump's policies gave this country the GREATEST ECONOMY IN HISTORY.
And Vance was a big enough man to admit he was wrong.

And the pedophiles on the left the Communist/Nazi section of the country (formerly known as Democrats) can't STAND that they've lost another argument.
ArtieKat · M
And you believe, @Reason10, that by expressing random words in capital letters it makes you any more credible? 🤷‍♀️
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@ArtieKat I believe that you are an uneducted blue state nose picker
who apparently has never read a book in his life, and NEVER heard of the concept of using caps for EMPHASIS.

Florida third graders are better educated than you.
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Richard65 · M
So, the guy running as potential VP admits he is easily duped. Ok, thanks for the info....
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Richard65 That is a LIE.

He got the SAME lies the rest of the country got.
He then watched Trump do a better job than any other president in history.
And he admitted he was wrong.

He is better educated than any DemoNazi president out there.
Richard65 · M
@Reason10 well, you clearly weren't fooled like he was. So, you're saying you're smarter than Vance?
Vin53 · M
Carla · 61-69, F
The truth about jd vance is that he will say and do whatever is necessary to sit next to power.
But hey, y'all never let a boatload of hypocrisy get in your way.
Vin53 · M
Hey tReason00, do you think trump will muster up the pebbles to debate Kamala?
@boudinMan Yeah, I predicted you would try to weasel out of it. Those were debates among national candidates who aspired to be president. And Trump refused all three.
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Yes, all during the Republican convention, the NAZIS at PMSNBC and CNN kept repeating over and over the things JD Vance said about Trump.

How dare they use his own words, in context, against him!
gol979 · 41-45, M
Ahhhh good old donald draining the swamp, again, by running with a peter thiel puppet, jd vance. I thought maybe the red team might not fall for it again......but here we are.
Vin53 · M
The US economy grew at a faster-than-expected pace in the second quarter. 07/25/24

The Bureau of Economic Analysis's advance estimate of second quarter US gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy grew at an annualized pace of 2.8% during the period, well above the 2% growth expected by economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The reading came in higher than first quarter GDP, which was revised down to 1.4%.
You are one very very confused individual.
That’s exactly what he said… I heard it with my own ears. 🙂

I think I’m going to like this Vance guy!
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Rolexeo · 26-30, M
America Firsters>>>>Neo Cons
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Man, you're getting btfo in the comments of your own post.

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