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What antics will Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump resort to next to try to get back the spotlight on his lust for the past?

RepublicanDad · 31-35, M
He’s always in your spotlight living rent free in your head
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@RepublicanDad He wanted Mexico to pay for the wall, he wanted Infrastructure Week, he wanted a big, better, beautiful health care plan, and he wanted to be declared the most genetically fit person to ever be president. He dictated the letter that said he was that person that he found a doctor to sign. He didn't achieve anything of those other things he claimed he wanted. Remember, now?
@RepublicanDad In 2016, Trump
* Promised a tax cut that pays for itself;
* Promised to replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper that covers everyone;
* Promised a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure spending;
* Promised "We're going to see economic growth of 4, 5 & maybe 6%!";
* Promised to reduce deficit and eventually balance the budget;
* Promised to reduce prices of prescription drugs;
* Promised he had made the world safe from Kim Jong Un's missiles;
* Promised to LOCK HER UP!
* Promised to make Mexico pay for that wall;
* Promised to release his tax returns;
* Promised to cut the number of tax brackets, repeal the alternative minimum tax,eliminate the carried interest loophole, and allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes.

That's several trillion dollars worth of broken promises there, LOL!!
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@ElwoodBlues People were living so well and easy they were tired of winning. Good times.
@RepublicanDad says
He achieved a great economy prior to Covid.
The bitter truth for you is this: all Trump did was continue Obama's growing economy. Can you prove me wrong? Can you play

!!! Spot the Trump Miracle !!!

Here's ten years of job creation data. Ignore the drop of 22 million jobs when the pandemic started and concentrate on how job creation changed starting in Dec 2017 when Trump introduced his trillion dollar tax cut.

Do you see a "Trump miracle"? Do you see any change in jobs? Do you see any difference whatsoever between job creation rates under Obama and Trump? I surely don't.

Here's monthly rate of job growth in thousands; it's effectively the derivative of the above; it would show any changes in rate of job growth if changes had occurred. See any "Trump miracle"? Me neither!
RepublicanDad · 31-35, M
He achieved a great economy prior to Covid. Everything was absolutely perfect before democrats worked with china to release Covid
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@RepublicanDad It was like living in heaven. And, the Democrats didn't like living in heaven, so they cooked up COVID with China to poison everyone including their own families. And, all Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump (ALL he wanted to do) was create heaven-on-earth for everyone. And, he was vilified for that. And, so now he needs to seek retribution against all the Democrats and China... except for the factory in China that is making his $399 sneakers.

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