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China does not have a political system.

China's government is similar to the management structure of a business corporation. China's citizens are the shareholders of the state. All citizens are eligible to pursue a career either in government or the private sector. In either case, their career path progression - based on meritocracy - is similar. China's government operates like any of the top ten US companies.

There is no way for a citizen to come out of the blue like a Donald Trump or Kamala Harris to take over the helm of China's government by appealing to the masses.
That is not really true and doesn't even line up with actual Chinese political history.

For one it is completely wrong to claim a country doesn't have a political system because it is not a clone of the American system.

Second dramatic change did and has happened through the Chinese system. The current way of doing things bears very little resemblance to the Maoist system from 1949 to the 80s.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I am saying you are trying to understand the Chinese system by trying to fit it into a western frame of reference. The fact it doesn't fit the political systems you are familiar with but shares some characteristics that superficially line up with analogues in business makes it seem like it is a business. But the reason why it doesn't really fit that either is because it is ultimately something different.

Ok, I see where you are going. You may be seeing something I am not aware of. My opinion is formed from my observation of the Singapore government. I spent 6 months a year living there and had some on-the-ground familiarity with how the PAP party runs Singapore. China had been sending officials to study the Singapore model in every aspect of governance. Singapore's elections are a farce in terms of Westminster-style democracy. There is nothing sinister about it because the PAP ruling party attends to the needs of Singaporeans 24/7. There is no litter in the streets. Every complaint from the public no matter how minor is attended to immediately. Singapore is like a well-run country club. No one is allowed to slip through the cracks. I have not seen a single beggar in all my time there. No violent crimes. The government checks itself and literally corruption free. This was what Lee Kuan Yew told Deng Xiaoping if the latter wanted China's government to run successfully: no corruption.

So, the deal is that the government in power can only stay in power if it is fit for purpose. This includes the ability to do what is best for the people the way a business succeeds by bringing the best product to the market.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Yep. Even every single war we have fought since 1945 has been something the Americans dragged us into.

I can imagine that both Australia and New Zealand are in the same pickle as Canada, all bullied into submission by the US. What about the UK and the EU? Are they all under the thumb of the US also?
I never understood why the EU is facing down Russia. They had been wrecked by two world wars and seem to be inviting another bashing.

The US seems deranged since 1945. We have become a rogue nation. According to Professor Jeffery Sachs, we have been responsible for overthrowing 80 governments since 1947 (see link below).

I watched "The Quiet American" movie just yesterday. I am ashamed to say that I was unaware of what we are as a nation.
sree251 · 41-45, M
And yikes. Talk about bias bordering on racism when you can only describe the progress of one of the oldest societies on earth as imitations of countries that are just a few hundred years old.

You have no idea how the Chinese suffered on account of their entrapment in cultural superstitions. The Japanese were the first to pull away from their cultural attachment and copied the industrialized west. This enabled them to build their military and assert themselves.

Deng Xiaopeng was a pragmatist. He adopted any method that can benefit China. Western democracy was not good, and neither was religion be it from the east or the west. Confucianism is not a religion. It espouses family ethics and the cultivation of self-perfection in relationship.
Richard65 · M
You don't have much chance if you're Uyghur. It's the detention camp for you.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Still better than many Asian countries and
Meritocracy >>>>>> mobocracy

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