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Did u like Donald Trump's speech tonight or not ? 🤔💬💬💬

I'm a Democrat. And I must say that Trump knocked it outta the park. Especially when he exposed the chaos and catastrophe about illegal immigration. He also talked about the restrictions he put on China.
Yeah. Get mad. Kick your feet up in the air. I don't care. I love it. I don't care. 😂

Anyway what do you think.
Did you enjoy the speech at the Republican National Convention. I did.
This was his best one ever. Comments please.

KateATX · 41-45, F
I thought he was quite remarkable last night. Especially given what happened last Saturday.
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Reality check: what's the record on Trump's previous BIG promises?

In 2016, Trump
* Promised a tax cut that pays for itself;
* Promised to replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper that covers everyone;
* Promised a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure spending;
* Promised "We're going to see economic growth of 4, 5 & maybe 6%!";
* Promised to reduce deficit and eventually balance the budget;
* Promised to reduce prices of prescription drugs;
* Promised he had made the world safe from Kim Jong Un's missiles;
* Promised to LOCK HER UP!
* Promised to make Mexico pay for that wall;
* Promised to release his tax returns;
* Promised to cut the number of tax brackets, repeal the alternative minimum tax,eliminate the carried interest loophole, and allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes.

That's several trillion dollars worth of broken promises there, LOL!!
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues Funny you didn't mention how great the economy was between 2017-2020
@Zonuss Let's play
!!! Spot the Trump Miracle !!!

Here's ten years of job creation data. Ignore the drop of 22 million jobs when the pandemic started and concentrate on how job creation changed starting in Dec 2017 when Trump introduced his trillion dollar tax cut.

Do you see a "Trump miracle"? Do you see any change in jobs? Do you see any difference whatsoever between job creation rates under Obama and Trump? I surely don't.

Here's monthly rate of job growth in thousands; it's effectively the derivative of the above; it would show any changes in rate of job growth if changes had occurred. See any "Trump miracle"? Me neither!
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Nope. It was all about seeking sympathy for a slight nick to the ear. At least he didn't go into his usual litany of lies, but towards the end he gave himself away with resurgent cocky arrogance.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@SW-User LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP does not lie. He is the most honest president in history. Everything he said last night was FACT, AND
@Reason10 Denial - it ain't a mountain in Alaska!!

@Reason10 Only Trump speaks truth? Trump is more expert than every expert? Trump is savior? Only unreasonable people believe these things!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It was quite inventive . .

(1) He claimed crime is rising, when in fact violent crime (which is probably what he was alluding to) in the USA fell by 6% in 2023 and murder by 13%.

(2) He claimed that inflation is the "worst ever" under Biden. It is currently 3%. The worst ever year for inflation was 1920 (23.4%).

(3) He claimed Democrats want to ban petrol vehicles, when Biden has announced no such policy.

(4) He claimed to have made the largest tax cuts in American history. He did! Corporation tax was cut by 14 percentage points. Overall his tax cuts in terms of GDP were the eighth largest in recent history.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SunshineGirl This is subjective information you are listing here at best. But this is not how most Americans see it today. ☺️
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Zonuss No, those are objective facts which can be found with relatively little effort. Trump's speech consisted largely of subjective opinion.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SunshineGirl It's a fact that many people on the Democrats side cannot stand Joe Biden.
That is a fact. ☺️
I am Canadian so I have no dog in this fight beyond what happens if there is another mass exodus for the northern border in November.

But the speech felt exactly like what it was. A rewritten rushed job that reminded me of the forgotten homework you write in 10 minutes on your lunch break to hand in the same afternoon.
@Zonuss I am no fan of either of them. They are both pretty sad.

Although only one got more Americans killed than all the US causalities in WW2.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Zonuss Trump
It was the greatest presidential nomination speech in the history of presidential nomination speeches.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I liked, "No taxes on tips."

That's about it.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@beckyromero Hmmmm. ☺️
Funny you didn't mention how BADLY Trump botched our Covid response!

All through Trump's term, our Covid per capita death rate was DOUBLE that of countries like Canada & Germany, resulting in about 550,000 Covid deaths under Trump.

If Trump had handled Covid as well as, say, Justin Trudeau, we'd have had 275,000 FEWER DEATHS! Put another way, Trump's mis-management of Covid cost more deaths than THREE Viet Nam wars!! Three Viet Nams in a SINGLE YEAR, not spread out over ten years like the actual war!!!

Sure, Covid came from outside. And different leaders in different countries managed it differently. Trump's piss-poor Covid management is made clear by the relative per capita death rates.

"I look at it this way," Birx told CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. "The first time, we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."

Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues Oh yeah. You mean the next I miliion who died under Biden.
@Zonuss Off by a factor of two. Yes, we had a terrible pandemic of the unvaccinated. Biden made the vaccine freely available; fools died by the hundreds of thousands after refusing the vaccine.

In 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 20% of the Covid deaths, while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced over 80% of the Covid deaths.

In 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 31% of Covid cases; while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced nearly 70% of Covid cases.

This means the US unvaccinated had a 5X higher chance of contracting Covid compared to the vaccinated per capita, and that overall the unvaccinated had about a 15X higher probability of Covid death per capita.

"I have an immune system"

"99 probs vax ain't 1"
Justlookin · 51-55, M
It was very entertaining
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Justlookin Isn't everything he does entertaining.☺️
Reason10 · 61-69, M
He did knock it out of the park.
@Reason10 C'mon dude, most of the credit goes to his teleprompters🤣😂😝🤣😂

trollslayer · 46-50, M
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@trollslayer No just reality.

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